When Someone Tells You “You Won’t Make It “, Reply “Watch Me Do “

We need others to validate all the things we do, want, or dream of. In addition, if we do not get it, we are totally paralyzed and we stop striving for the life we ​​naturally aspire to. Our self-esteem is gradually reduced because the world around us does not applaud or recognize us. We end up thinking that it is better to let go of what we desire in our hearts, that’s when our life becomes totally gray and sad.

You won’t make it

What exactly does this sentence mean? When someone tells you that you cannot or will not succeed, they are trying to tell you that your abilities are not suited to what you are trying to do, that you do not have the necessary shoulders. to fulfill your dreams. But, the only question that matters is, how can you know that you won’t get there if you don’t try?

Some people believe that past experiences determine what can happen if we find ourselves facing the same experience years later. This is how our intuition works and this view of things sometimes turns out to be true, but not always. Sometimes this intuition is rooted in our pessimistic view of reality: the person we were yesterday is not who we are today or who we will be tomorrow.

Playing diviner is not a good way to live freely. Believing without questioning what others tell us is even less so. If the phrase “ You won’t make it ” becomes an excuse for not achieving what you want, you will prove your point, without even fighting, to those who think you have already reached your limits. You are not going to attempt anything, which will confirm that you are unable to meet your own goals.

Yet, deep down, you know that you have the qualities, the abilities and the inclination. The problem is, this need to be approved by others makes you just go and shoot yourself in the foot. You need to change your reading grid and take your blinders off to see life as it really is: perpetual change.
From today, you will be able to get there. Leave out outside opinions, even if you have to respect them and they can guide you when you are lost. But it is only your personal opinion that should guide you on the path of your own existence.


Watch me do

Having confidence in our own abilities is the basis of our self-efficacy: it is a variable which influences all our actions and which is conditioned by how we think about ourselves. It is a thought which encompasses a whole bunch of more concrete thoughts and which is in relation with the power of action that we have in the various fields of our existence.


Having realistic thoughts about ourselves allows us to feel secure and confident in ourselves. The actions we take will reinforce those thoughts that fuel our happiness.

By manipulating a few essential gears in our life, everything else will also move. A good way to gain confidence in order to live better is to free ourselves from the opinions of others and to practice greater assertiveness, this ability we have to assert ourselves in front of those around us, while respecting them.

This feeling is so gratifying that not trying to feel it is a waste of time in itself. Showing aggression towards the world around us or, on the contrary, never contradicting others, are two behaviors that are harmful and prevent us from moving forward. In both cases, our self-esteem and our self-efficacy will shine by their absence.

When someone around you, whether an acquaintance or important members of your family, friends or work environment, tells you that you are not capable of achieving what you want, above all do not get angry, but do not integrate what she tells you as an absolute truth.

Instead, respond : “ Watch me do it. I will try with all my might. Will I succeed or will I fail? I don’t know, but neither do you. It doesn’t really matter whether it works or not, whether I get what I want or not. The important thing is that I will keep in mind that I tried, that I tried to make my way to my goal. If failure is my reward, I would accept it. If the triumph appears, I would savor it. But I will never give up on the idea of ​​making my dreams come true ”.

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