Vulnerability Is Also A Psychological Quality

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is an act of courage. In the end, strong people are not the ones who best wear the mask of absolute happiness. Strong is the one who allows himself to show what he feels while taking responsibility for his mistakes and wounds.
Vulnerability is also a psychological quality

Vulnerability, beyond what we have been made to believe, is a psychological quality, one of the many facets of our reality as human beings and which, as such, deserves to be accepted. . Vulnerability is not just another feature of our emotional universe; it is a quality that allows a connection that is both more intimate and authentic with all that surrounds us.

It takes great strength to allow yourself to be vulnerable. In a world where confidence, efficiency and strength prevail, whoever dares, at some point in his life, put aside his shell and this illusion of perfection is, without a doubt, proof of courage.

We have found it necessary to recall that vulnerability is in no way an act of weakness or failure. In essence, it is a characteristic of human nature that allows us to be more sensitive to our needs and thus to be able to empathize with the pain and emotional realities of others.

The power of vulnerability: we are not superheroes, we are people

A feather in a hand

Mario Benedetti used to say that perfection is just a collection of polite mistakes. Nonetheless, let’s face it, it is extremely difficult for us human beings to come to terms with our mistakes, failures and those changes of direction that life imposes on us. In a way, society has accustomed us to navigate the irreproachable universe of appearances and to wear masks that allow us to feign good humor when, inside, we are overcome with fears, sadness and sadness. ‘anxiety.

Culturally, emotional vulnerability and physical vulnerability have always generated a certain contempt, even a feeling of shame. Someone who at some point decides to move away from the mold where perfection and strength must reign, someone who admits that doubt and error are a part of life, can be made to feel bad about it. itself, because it does not return what society expects from it.

However, it is curious to note that, in the world of literature, in poetry or in existential philosophy, some authors like Martin Heidegger consider vulnerability to be necessary and constructive. In his book World, Affectivity, Trauma: Heidegger and Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis,  Robert D. Stolorow reminds us that this dimension is one more zone of our existence. After all, we are all sensitive and mortal.


The balance between vulnerability and strength

It is wonderful, for example, to show our ability and ease to carry out certain activities or accomplish certain challenges: it is wonderful to assume that we are good at something. Just how wonderful it is to admit that we are not good at another thing, because that is the reality.

We must take responsibility for our mistakes, not hide our pain, frustration or sadness in certain circumstances that are beyond us. Expressing out loud that we are not feeling well, that we are going through a bad patch and that we need time is good for us. There is nothing wrong with that, and it does not make us weak: strength coexists with fragility.

Hardness is not a psychological quality

The harshness-based personality, that is, a harsh and seemingly infallible attitude, does not reach any peak in life. At least no summit that really matters, namely well-being, respect and cohabitation.

Moreover, hardness is no longer recommended in the working world. Today, we are no longer looking for tough people but sensitive people who can show empathy in order to create pleasant working environments. More and more people are looking to humanize work contexts and make better deals.


Perfection is being able to recognize that we are vulnerable

A sad woman touched by vulnerability

Brené Brown, professor and researcher at the University of Houston, tells us that vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy and creativity. Why then do we tend to think that when we are vulnerable we are imperfect?

What is unfortunate is not allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Not to dare to open up to someone to share their emotions, to feel their pain or their happiness. To be obsessed with the idea of ​​absolute competition, harshness, inflexibility. Not to take responsibility for your mistakes. These dynamics highlight an imperfection, in addition to the lack of happiness in oneself.

Courageous is the one able to show his bright side and his dark side, his strengths and weaknesses. The one capable of falling when he cannot take it any longer, but also of getting up when he is ready and when it is time. Vulnerability makes us human, endows us with perfection, because it means that we are able to accept ourselves as we are, just as we accept others with all their inner richness. Nothing can be so heartwarming as this.


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Our thoughts Our thoughts

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