This Short Film Teaches Us The Values ​​of Childhood

Do you remember the values ​​of your childhood ? Think about it and let go of your worries, obligations, and other tensions for a moment.

It is in the innocence of our childhood that reside the values ​​which give greater meaning to our life… values ​​which are nevertheless essential that we have despised and forgotten.

Due to the frenetic pace to which our daily lives almost constantly subject us, we carry on our shoulders many responsibilities and other obligations that ruin our life, prevent us from doing the things we really love, and limit our dreams and illusions. by throwing us into a state of dissatisfaction and existential emptiness.


Are we really devoting our time to what we need, what we love and what gives our life meaning?


There are many questions to think about in order to come to understand that we need to change our perspective.

Usually, we avoid questioning what we are doing, because we focus on what we need to do as if we have no other choice.

Living is more than breathing

Have we learned to discover and feel our happiness? When we were children, in a totally spontaneous and natural way, we had the necessary resources to marvel at any event that nature offered us: seeing insects running, observing the rain for hours, losing track of time by exploring and discovering the world around us, playing …

It is in our childhood that we forged our ability to enjoy our happiness and to maintain the illusion in our life.

Unfortunately, over time we have lost this wonderful ability by replacing it with things we think are best for our adult lives.

But, is the path we have taken really the best for us?

Often all we have done is take the advice of others and trust them on what they think is best for us; we believed them without even questioning what they said.


We have walked a path full of obligations, and we lost our true ability to be happy, our true essence.

Rediscover the values ​​of our childhood

By questioning our lives, we re-envision our path: how far do we want to go, how do we want to undertake this journey. Are we forgetting our happiness? We have already taken the first step to find it …

Being an adult involves many responsibilities and obligations, that’s for sure, but surely we give them too much importance.

Therefore, all our attention and all our energy is devoted to things that do not concern our creative potential, and suddenly, we lose our ability to reinvent ourselves, discover ourselves and amaze ourselves, with all this beauty that surrounds us and which is part of the world we have moved away from.

Rediscovering the values ​​of our childhood means questioning the life we ​​lead, recovering the illusion, giving more importance to our needs, and paying more attention to the small details … to learn to enjoy by taking the time to discover all the things that fascinate us.


Discover these things that excite you, devote some of your time to them, and allow yourself to enjoy them. Your life will thus have a greater meaning

Learn from childhood

We can find values ​​such as innocence, surprise, curiosity, kindness, joy, etc.

If we observe them carefully and reflect, we can learn a lot of things from children, especially their spontaneity and their instinctive tendency to devote themselves to what they love, to find a pretext to play in everything, and to make every event something to enjoy.


“The child has his own ways of seeing, thinking and feeling; there is nothing more ridiculous than trying to replace them with our own. ”
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau-

No one is better placed than a child to teach us to enjoy the moment, to do things while playing, and to find satisfaction in everything we do.

“If your life doesn’t allow you to play and dance and live each passing day… then change your life.”



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