The Past Has No Power To Stain Your Present

The past doesn't have the power to stain your present

The past does not exist in reality, but only in our mind, in our memory.

If we remember it consciously, it will affect our emotions. The past will affect us in one way or another depending on how we value it, how we evaluate it, or even according to the meaning we give it.

When we go badly in our present, very often, we blame our past.

This lack of emotional responsibility is highly misleading, since it prevents us from taking the reins of our present and it blocks us in a reality that no longer exists, and that unfortunately cannot be changed.


It’s like banging your head against the walls; the more we tell ourselves that our past should have been different, the more we suffer.

Change your point of view: accept the past!

Everyone chooses and decides if they want to be unhappy for the rest of their life, or if they prefer, on the contrary, to enjoy the time that they have left and of life.

It is nothing more than a personal choice made in the present, which has nothing to do with what once affected us in the past.

Have you not realized that each person has a totally different view of reality?

You can easily see cases of people who have had something quite negative, but who have chosen to enjoy life and their present.

However, in the same situation, other people decide to stay in a victim position all their life; they isolate themselves, get angry at their bad luck, and cannot focus on anything other than their past.


The difference between these people is obviously the point of view from which they observe what happened to them.

While in the first case, people have accepted their past but have not let it influence their present, in the second case, people do not accept what has happened to them and continue to take pleasure in it, while missing out on their lives.

If you are reading this then you are alive

If you have felt identified with these people who blame their ill-being on their past, whether it is because of the education received, mistreatment, abuse, rape or traumatic accidents, you must have in mind that you came out of this dark phase, and that today you are alive and well.

It is true that you were unlucky and it would have been much better if it never happened, but it has happened, and there is nothing we can do about it, even with our complaints, our tears or our anger.

This is all unproductive, so stop resorting to this stuff!

Trust the fact that now, alive, you can go out on the streets, meet new people, dance, have an interesting conversation, take care of a pet, write a book… and many other wonderful things that life has in store for you.


So, do not resign yourself; you just have to accept your past, take it in your arms, or even say: finished, I get rid of your memory! I will now enjoy my friend the present!


Guilt is no use

We strive, with a certain frequency, to look for the culprits of the gray areas of our life.

We feel guilty, we make others, our parents, our culture feel guilty… but think about it: why?

Don’t you believe that when things have no solution or are out of your control, the best is to let them be?

This urge to find guilty takes you back to your past, and leaves you neither the time nor the inclination to deal with your present.

What is really important is to thank life for being able to allow us to get out of it all, to be alive, and for all of that to make us an even stronger person.

From now on, you make the decision to enjoy your present as you deserve it, and not to waste a single extra minute in your past. Do you dare to take the plunge?


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