The Chance Of Life, The Need To Accept The Unexpected

Many of us struggle with the unknown and the unexpected.
The chance of life, the need to accept the unexpected

Our life is governed by many variables. One of them is chance. We are therefore prisoners of the latter even though we often consider that we have close control over our realities. However, we find it very difficult to accept the unexpected and to accept this small percentage of chaos that surrounds us.

Science fiction writer Kurt Vonnegut Jr said that in a world where order and predictability do not reign,  we must know how to deal with chaos ourselves. But without becoming chaotic, of course. The feeling that fate is often capricious and puts us in situations we never anticipated, however, is not a frequent thing.

We can live in peace for years, satisfied with a present where everything is in its place. We come and go, we go to work, we interact, we share time with our own, without chaos. Until suddenly there arises this inflection, this change of destiny, the unusual and the unforeseen.

These are times when we need abilities, skills and mental approaches that we have never used before. There are individuals who, surprising as it may seem to us, respond perfectly. It is as if there is an extraordinary subroutine or code ready to be activated in the face of adversity in their genetic code or in a hidden corner of their brain universe. And indeed, they respond in the best way.

Ap deep issons topic .

Accept the unexpected, such as a sudden downpour.

The difficulty in accepting the unforeseen

There are days when the sun shines with all its star, without there being the slightest cloudiness in the sky. R ien n e is however preclude time suddenly darkens announcing by the same the arrival of a storm. There is then no point in complaining. They should take cover.

There are times when stability rules everything. We manage to achieve everything that is on the agenda. We manage to assume normally and satisfactorily all our projects, appointments and trips. This is when an unforeseen event occurs.

Note also that unforeseen events never happen alone. They generally bring more changes and uncertainties. There is no point in complaining, regretting, or standing still in such circumstances N e dev ons answer, n e dev ons act. However, it is never easy to do this, for many reasons. Let’s analyze them.

Our brain does not like chance

How to accept the random e if our brain the intolerant? This exceptional organ indeed has an almost obsessive tendency to seek models. It also learns from experiences to help us respond better to everyday situations. He likes to control everything because any unforeseen event, any unknown stimulus, untreated or not experienced, activates an alarm system and is interpreted as a threat.

Does this mean, however, that we are incapable of reacting to chance or chaos? The answer is no. The  individuals can indeed deal with such circumstances. And, as striking as it sounds, we’ve done pretty well over time.

We are creative beings. We have also great psychological resources to innovate, respond to and overcome adversity. This is how we managed to survive. This is how we will continue to move forward despite the changes, despite the inevitable fear that unforeseen events generate …

Accept the unexpected by remembering our goals

The science we repeat often that life is an accidental by-product in a random universe. Let us also recall what the famous physicist Wermer Heisenberg underlined: “ what we observe in matter are not things (or particles) but waves of probability”.

This idea helped him formulate his famous T heory of the uncertainty principle. The latter ensured that it was impossible to measure or predict the position and motion of a particle. We can, of course, make assumptions. However, even the world of quantum physics recognizes this small percentage of chaos. Heinseberg also stressed that,  in an uncertain world, we must be prepared for the unforeseen .

That it be so is neither good nor bad. This is an obvious reality. Some e n titrate profit. They have no problem accepting the unforeseen and moving forward in a courageous and creative way. Others, on the other hand, experience it as something crippling. The mind feels capable, when we spend so many years immersed in seeming stillness, to predict what will happen. Until, suddenly, the black swan appeared that the essayist Nassim Nicholas Taleb told us about.

So how do we face the inevitable variable of uncertainty in our daily lives? Let’s see some dimensions to think about.

Managed to accept the unexpected.

The exercise of accepting and facing the unforeseen

It is necessary to accept and face the unforeseen taking into account the following considerations:

  • The first step to accept i mprévu is to remember no bones objectives no matter what our current reality point is chaotic if we have clear priorities. We will indeed find the strength and ingenuity to act
  • The second step is to check that n ou “Pouv ons really control”: an example of this are our decisions, our mental approach and our actions
  • Then we need to understand that you always have to take risks in the midst of uncertainty. This can be worrying, it’s true. However, innovative steps are needed to move forward
  • It is therefore important to awaken these skills that we all have: curiosity, creativity, receptivity. We must therefore be open to the environment, listen, accept advice and, later, act accordingly by following our internal compass. What we can learn from these circumstances can also be very rewarding.

To conclude. The key to facing the unexpected, whatever its dimensions, is to be courageous. The suffering will be all the greater if we stand still, regretting this particle of chaos in our lives. We must therefore be proactive, resourceful, able to rationalize fears  and put our emotions and creativity on our side.


Our bad dreams prepare us to face our fears
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Scientific studies tell us that our bad dreams are part of a psychological mechanism to help us face our fears.

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