Start Over

Start over again

Even if you feel tired; even if victory leaves you… even if betrayal hurts you… even if ingratitude is your reward… start over again  ”

Cecilia Prezioso

Some poems touch our soul in a particular way . In this poem, every word could not be better written, for these are feelings that have been very present on many occasions.

Words that come straight to our hearts turn out to be wise

Fatigue brings us down so many times… We are tired of the struggles of our daily life, tired of fighting against others and against ourselves.

We are tired of feeling that the forces are slipping away from us and that there is nothing more we can do already. We are tired of the neighbor, the boss and our child.

We are tired of working without rest. There are times when we are tired of fatigue. But we have to think that it is only about moments, stages, and that everything passes… Soon we will gain new strengths.

Of course, we are going to make a lot of mistakes and we are going to fail not once but a thousand times. Trying not to make mistakes leads us to have demands of ourselves that can hurt us.

This requirement can lead us to sink our self-esteem into the deepest pits. Believe in yourself, learn from your mistakes, your failures… and start over again. Who says you can’t go wrong?

Betrayal. We all feel betrayed many times. Although we don’t realize it, we also betray others.

But why did he do this to me? Why did he behave like this with me? … Maybe we are spending too much energy thinking over and over again about the betrayals we are being subjected to.

Ingratitude and incomprehension. We all like to feel understood. We all want to be thanked, even with a simple smile, for what we have done for this person. Sometimes we find no gratitude and we feel sad.

However, you always have to start over again, because you will meet new people who will see in you what others have not seen.

Life goes on and we cannot stay grounded in the mistakes of others or our own. You always have to start over.


Even if you feel tired;
even if the victory leaves you;

How many times do we not feel tired of struggling and feeling like we are losing all the battles? It is a bitter, deep feeling that we all experience a thousand times.

Even if a mistake hurts you;
even if a business goes bankrupt ;

We have all made good and bad decisions. But after feeling the sadness of deceiving ourselves, we need to get up and move on.

Even if a betrayal hurts you;
even if an illusion is lost;

How much disillusionment have we had along the way? No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but we have to get to restore confidence and illusion.

even if the pain burns the eyes;
even if they ignore your efforts;
even if ingratitude is the reward;
even if the incomprehension takes away your smile;
even if everything seems nothing;

There are times when you don’t feel valued, loved, or valued. Nobody thanks you for something and nobody understands you.

As the end of the poem says …. START AGAIN!

Cecilia Prezioso

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