Memory Loss Caused By Stress: What Are They?

Memory loss caused by stress: what are they?

Memory loss caused by stress is much more habitual than what we might think. This cognitive problem is often experienced with anxiety and concern: we forget dates, conversations, names and even those things so important that we had to buy. We find it difficult to save information and even recover memories that have already been consolidated.

It is often said that memory is a treasure that we must protect with care and delicacy; however, we probably all (or almost) know that it fails us when we need it most. What’s more, when we suffer from these momentary and sometimes disconcerting problems, we often experience it with fear: could this be the first clue of possible dementia?

We must not rush. Before we think about cognitive decline, there is one factor that we need to take into account, the one that actually explains about 80% of small everyday memory problems: stress. Nevertheless, do not be relieved to have ruled out the possibility of premature dementia because a very important fact must be taken into consideration:  chronic stress, as well as anxiety disorders that persist over time, alter the brain function and even some of its structures.

The brain is extremely vulnerable to our lifestyle  and more specifically to the way we deal with our daily concerns and tensions.

face in sheets

Memory Loss Due to Stress: Why Do They Happen?

Sometimes we act this way: we get out of work and go home on “autopilot” mode. As we walk through the door of our house, we suddenly freeze, bewildered and amazed:  how could we have forgotten to pick up our child from his English class? We then run around and, when we get to the car, we realize that we do not have the keys.

The exhausting circle in which stress and anxiety drag us is immense. Realistic situations like the one just mentioned are common, as is the feeling of suddenly losing control of our lives. In the end,  few things can be as nerve-racking as forgetting important things in our day-to-day life,  crucial things that make us feel competent and responsible in every area of ​​our life.

If we are now asking ourselves what is behind memory loss caused by stress, we have to name one thing we know well, the hormone cortisol. This glucocorticoid produced by the adrenal gland is released as a response to stress. The fact that the cortisol spike rises at some point and goes beyond its usual levels is not a problem; a small increase in this hormone at one point, on the other hand, improves the formation of new memories.

Of most concern is when the release of glucocorticoids occurs consistently and over the course of several weeks or months. It is at this precise moment that we will have difficulty remembering certain data or recovering other already pre-existing data.

Now let’s see the impact that this phenomenon can have on our brain.


The effects of cortisol on our brain

  • Excess cortisol in the brain acts like a toxicant.
  • The hippocampus, associated with memory and our emotions, loses volume.
  • Memory loss caused by stress is also associated with the fact that cortisol makes it harder for blood to flow to the brain. We are receiving less nutrients and oxygen. We know a greater risk of suffering from hemorrhages, strokes, etc. This is very important data to take into account.
  • Moreover, if the release of cortisol is constant, we will perceive another effect: we will release less endorphins  and this will result in greater discomfort as well as a clear inability to enjoy these activities that were previously pleasant to us: sport, sharing laughs and good times with our loved ones, food …
  • In addition, and equally important, it should be noted that cortisol also affects our sleep-wake cycles:  we suffer from periods of insomnia or frequent awakenings during the night.

What can we do to reduce memory loss caused by stress?

If in the past few weeks or months we have experienced unusual memory loss, it is best to see a doctor. Sometimes  these problems can be associated with poor nutrition (vitamin B12 or vitamin D deficiency). In addition, disorders like hyperthyroidism can also determine these cognitive alterations. Therefore, and to be able to avoid unnecessary concerns, we recommend that you speak to specialized professionals.

no one in the crowd

Once the organic problems are ruled out, we can focus on one important fact: managing our stress. Now let’s take a look at some key points.

  • Identify your stressors: become aware of how your body reacts: muscle tension, stiffness of the neck, shoulders, mandible, palpitations …
  • Stress cannot be managed by avoiding these sources that make us lose our calm. It manages itself by facing these threatening stimuli, right in the eye, setting priorities, deciding and taking control of our own reality.
  • Let’s use proper breathing techniques.
  • Reinterpret your reality: become aware of what is really important in your life,  slow down, enjoy the present in a more relaxed way.
  • Eat healthy:  fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of water, oats, infusions of valerian, chamomile …
  • Magnesium supplements are great for protecting our brains from the effects of stress.
  • Go out for a walk every day for at least half an hour:  you will clear your mind, take in new points of view and allow your blood circulation to improve for a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients. gets to the brain.

In conclusion, memory loss caused by stress can turn our lives upside down. If we do not treat this problem at the source, the stress will intensify this deterioration even more and lead to other consequences: our mood will worsen, our motivation will drop … Therefore, let’s  learn to reduce our pace, not to want to go faster than life. Our health comes first.


7 keys to managing stress
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Stress is one of the great evils of the contemporary world, especially in the most developed countries.


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