Intuition Is The Soul That Speaks To Us

Intuition is the soul that speaks to us

For Albert Einstein, the only thing really important was intuition.

It is neither magic nor witchcraft, but this subtle ability to tip the scales to one side, the same that in just over two seconds allows us to assess whether a person is trust or not.

Intuition is the language of the soul guided by the path of unconscious experience hidden in our brain.

Even though there is a long bibliography which confuses the most psychological meaning, you will be surprised to learn that it is a subject much studied and analyzed by science.

So much so that Howard Gardner, specialist in theories of the mind speaks to us about the need to develop a type of intuitive intelligence, thanks to which we are more receptive to our inner world.

No sailor looks at a book on how to face an angry ocean.

He lets himself be carried away by his intuition, by that inner voice that knows how to read the dangers and foresee the best route, the best strategy. The one he chooses in seconds.

The study of intuition is so developed, because it guides a large part of our daily decisions.

Take one path rather than another, be wary of someone, decline a job offer, accept a project …

There are people who meditate on things and others on the contrary, who let themselves be carried away by their intuition.

We invite you to know more about this interesting psychological dimension.


Intuition: the path from the unconscious to the conscious world

No one can guarantee us that following your intuition makes it possible to make the best decisions.

But, what we will achieve is to act in accordance with our essences, our values, our emotions and the evaluations obtained according to our past experiences. We will take a step towards inner balance.

One of the specialists on this subject is the sociologist and essayist Malcolm Galdwell.

Through his studies, he shows us how stock traders, doctors, psychologists, advertisers, mechanics or housewives are able to make good decisions in a matter of seconds.

Are we then faced with a type of power that goes far beyond ordinary psychic capacities? Absolutely not, we explain it to you … 


Essential characteristics of intuition

Intuition is part of what is known as the “adaptive unconscious”.

Everything learned, felt, internalized, thought and experienced creates a little unique and particular wisdom that defines us.

It is our essence, it is a “mental capital” that we use without realizing it every day.

  • The power of the intuitive person lies in knowing how to use this capital as a channel.
    The one who has a good intuition will know how to separate all the branches of the forest to find the way in the middle of the crossing.
    Deciding is ultimately the art of dismissing, and believe it or not, intuition is a tremendous tool. 

How to develop our intuitive intelligence?

Before knowing how to stimulate your intuitive intelligence, you have to ask yourself why to do it and what is the use of it.

You have to remember how traditional intelligence works, that is, through thinking and logical process.

Thanks to Howard Gardner, we know that there are many more types of intelligence and that they are all equally useful.

Intuitive intelligence, for its part, allows us to surface our consciousness and our emotions to be able to make decisions more quickly or at least, to allow us to have another type of “more intimate” information to be able to compare it. with a more rational or convergent point of view.


Keys to Developing Intuitive Intelligence

Intuition feels more than it thinks. This is why it is necessary to know how to listen to our emotions, to understand what is happening in our inner world in order to find calm and balance.

  • Daniel Goleman, for example, recommends that we control and understand our emotions, to allow ourselves to go into Zen mode (think Zen), which is nothing more than reaching a mental state of deep calm in order to be more receptive to our interior and thus to those around us.
  • The messages sent by intuition are sometimes a little complex: the sensations, the shapes, the words… It is our task to know how to interpret them. The more our mind is free, without prejudices or barriers, the more our intuition will be affirmed.

To conclude, intuitive intelligence can be worked on every day as long as we allow ourselves to be more free to think and also, receptive to our emotions.

Intuition is not only a characteristic of women, we all have these bursts of mental light, these shells which guide us towards a concrete choice which may be the right one.

It is good to let yourself be guided by her, by this very particular language …

* Note to the reader: if you wish, you can supplement this information with the following books: ‘Educating Intuition ”by Robin M. Hogarth or“ La force de intuition ”by Malcolm Gladwell Éditions Laffont, 2007).

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