Increasing Intelligence: 7 Ingenious Tips To Achieve It

Increase intelligence: 7 ingenious tips to achieve it

Increasing intelligence is always possible. While it is true that we are born with genetic determinations that incline us to be more or less intelligent, it is also true that the brain is an organ endowed with great plasticity. This means that it changes, that it modifies itself according to the experiences.

There is no consensus around the definition of intelligence. For some, it is about the ability to learn. For others, the ability to apply knowledge. L has the universal definition might be one that described the intelligence as the ability  to find new solutions to old problems. In addition, there are several models that understand intelligence more as a set of intelligences – emotional intelligence, social intelligence, logical intelligence, etc. – as one and only.

Intelligence is therefore not only applicable to professional activity. Somehow,  being smarter also helps us be happier  as it makes us better able to deal with difficult situations. It is worth working to increase intelligence, we offer you 7 tips to achieve this.

person who meditates

1. Meditation is used to increase intelligence

Meditation   increases intelligence in the sense that it makes us more alert, makes us better observers of what is going on inside and outside of us. This is not a simple assessment, but a conclusion supported by studies. In numerous experiments, controlled by the magnetic resonance system, it has been shown that the brain works better after a session of meditation.

There is no worse enemy to the functioning of the brain than stress . This state releases cortisol, a hormone that impairs concentration and memory. Meditation reduces stress. It is not about converting into a Tibetan monk, it is enough to take advantage of every moment of waiting, such as when we are in line or when we are waiting for the bus to arrive, to do breathing and relaxation exercises.

2. Exposing yourself to new experiences

Anything new is a stimulus  that induces an increase in intelligence. Newness creates new connections for our brains. This is because we have to go through a thought process in order to be able to absorb new information, understand it, and incorporate it into what we already know.

A trip, visiting a place we don’t know, reading a new book, or any experience that is not frequent is great food for our intelligence. Staying in a comfort zone makes our brains progressively more lazy.

3. Get regular physical and mental exercise

Exercise ventilates the brain and improves its performance. It is also a way of reducing stress and carrying out mental hygiene. Spirit and body are always united. A healthy body is the fundamental condition for having a healthy mind capable of increasing its capacity.

It is also important to do mental exercises regularly. Let’s try to stimulate our memory by trying to memorize specific phone numbers or data. It is also convenient to do simple math operations manually. Playing chess, doing crossword puzzles, or any other similar activity is very positive for increasing intelligence.

woman walking on a path

4. Learn a new language or play an instrument

Learning a new language is always a big challenge. It is not easy, especially when it is a language far removed from the mother tongue. But it is precisely  this difficulty that makes it a great way to increase intelligence.

When we learn a new language, we exercise many intellectual functions at the same time. The same thing happens when we learn to play a musical instrument. In both cases , functions such as attention, memory, coordination, analogies, etc. are highlighted.

5. Look for the difficult path

When we choose the easier path, we can save time, but we also contribute to the atrophy of some of our  brain capacities. In general, we want everything to go “step by step”, not to think but rather for others to do it for us.

Maybe this is valid in a lot of circumstances, but  it is also a good thing to take the difficult path sometimes. Do not look for instructions, but rather guess the way  to achieve a result. It makes us more creative and smarter. It also increases our self-confidence.

6. Connect with all kinds of people

Just as it is important to expose ourselves to new situations, it is just as important to come into contact with different types of people. Each relationship challenges us to see, grasp and understand the other’s point of view, which ultimately increases intelligence.

It pays to have friends-are of different ages, backgrounds, beliefs, etc. If we only interact with people who are like us, we significantly limit our field of experience. Moreover, it places limits on brain exercise.

increase intelligence

7. Get enough and correct rest

It is always necessary to emphasize a point more obvious: the  rest is as important view more important than work. High performance athletes have learned this lesson very well, as they work up to very high levels of fatigue. The brain definitely needs breaks in order to function properly. If there is no rest, the brain will be dull, will work halfway which will reduce its capacity.

Rest encompasses three essential aspects: active breaks during work, sleep time and free time. All these dimensions are of great importance. Active breaks are a daily protective measure to prevent dulling. Sleep is essential for the brain to be able to process the information it has absorbed. And free time is absolutely necessary to keep the brain functioning well in the long run.

It is therefore important to build a lifestyle that allows us to be more alert and attentive to the reality around us. It should also include regular steps to keep our brain functioning properly. This, without a doubt, will reflect on our well-being and on our intelligence.

Howard Gardner and his theory of multiple intelligences
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