In Life, There Are Some People That Are Better To Stay Away From

There are certain people in life that are best to get away from

Absences hurt, but it is a suffering which, over time, subsides and ends up disappearing. However, when we share our life with someone who hurts us, the suffering is much longer and deeper.

A friend, family member, or companion can ruin your life, and if so, it is your job to move away from them in order to live fully.

If someone underestimates you, they don’t like you; if she criticizes you to hurt you, she doesn’t love you; if she insults or mistreats you, she doesn’t like you; if she ignores you or just ignores you, she doesn’t like you.

Isn’t it better that such a person is not part of your life? It would be a really good thing.


“Don’t worry about people from your past; if they did not reach your future, it is not for nothing ”

-Paulo Coelho-


People whose absence in our life is a good thing

There are certain people from whom it is healthier to move away, and with whom we must put a distance allowing us to be ourselves and to live in a climate of well-being and security.

Read the rest of this article and you will discover examples of these types of people whose absence in our lives is a good thing.

The pessimist

It can manifest itself in your life on many occasions: among your friends, in your relationship, at work… The first thing to do is to identify it.

The pessimist is that person who keeps complaining, for whom everything is bad, who loves to blame others for things, and this without any foundation.

In fact, a pessimistic person has low self-esteem and likes to convey concern.

Worrying is human, but our worry must lead us to seek solutions, that it be healthy and positive, but not crippling. It is about taking advantage of each situation in order to grow, not to stagnate.

The manipulator

A manipulator will make you believe that, coincidentally, what’s best for you is also what’s best for them, so that you find yourself doing things you don’t want to do. .

A manipulative person is someone who knows how to deal with emotions and who takes advantage of this ability. She is a specialist when it comes to identifying your weaknesses so that you can do what she wants.

This is why it is important to locate the manipulator as quickly as possible.

To do this, you should know that the latter can appear in different faces: someone who spends his time victimizing himself and who makes you guilty of all his misfortunes, someone who is aggressive whom you would rather like than face. , or someone who reinterprets your words to make you say things you didn’t say.

The possessive

A possessive person will prevent you from bonding with other people, isolate you, and make you believe that you will be better off that way.

For her, you are just one more item to own exclusively. She tells you things like “You are mine”.

Better for you that this kind of person comes out of your life, because nobody has the right to have you; you are a person, not a thing.

You have emotions and feelings, you live and breathe, you bond with others… in short, you are human.


An aggressive person likes to argue with others and insult them; such behavior makes her feel powerful.

Aggression is her raison d’être, and she has no basis other than her own lack of confidence and self-esteem.

Get away from such a person as soon as possible. Love yourself and believe in yourself, don’t let anyone underestimate you or make you feel inferior.

As a person, you are different from others. Neither better nor worse; simply unique.


“If being with someone implies the destruction of the I, then better to be alone”

-Walter Riso-

Let yourself be carried away by solitude!

Most people are convinced that in life, to be happy, you need other people, to be in a relationship, and to have friends.

However, happiness is something personal that is intimately concerned with each of us as individuals.



Some people may be in a relationship and surrounded by friends, but they are still deeply unhappy, because for them, their well-being depends on others.

Think of something that can make you happy; riding a bike, writing, reading, etc, all of those things that can make you happy regardless of others, because the satisfaction that comes with it is within you.

So, let the loneliness envelop you, protect you, allow you to know yourself and to accept yourself.

Let it invade your life from time to time. Enjoy the silence, your own space of solitude, go out for a walk, observe others. Feel how much the absence of people who are harming you can benefit you.


“Loneliness doesn’t weaken me, it strengthens me, fills me with something weird that nourishes me, speaks to me at night, tells me tales, stories that are true, that are truths”

-Chavela Vargas-


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