I Want To Live It All

I want to live it all

If we think about it, life is a gift that we receive. So why don’t we just try to experience all that she has to offer us?

Why don’t we seek the happiness that it can bring us? Why don’t we seize the opportunities that present themselves with strength and fearlessly?

We must learn to live without letting anything go. So when we get older we will happily remember all the experiences we have had in our lifetimes.

When we no longer have the strength to go and win the moon, we can tell ourselves that we have always done what we wanted, and that we had the courage and the strength to live fully.

happy woman

I want to live it all

I want to live everything, without fear, without absurd suffering. I want to know love, I want to enjoy life’s small and great pleasures.

I want to laugh at a good joke, or rejoice at a child’s smile. I don’t want anything to escape me, I don’t want to miss any of all the good things that are available to me.

After many years of life experiences, I realized that life is quick and fleeting, and that we are only passing through in this world.

Life, on a universe scale, lasts only two days. Why do we spend these two days worrying about the next day, being sad and angry and complaining?

From now on, I want my days to be good, to be new.

What importance should we give to yesterday, which was just a bad, sad and cloudy day? I don’t want to think about the past anymore, I don’t want negative thoughts to invade my life.

How can you live without letting anything slip away?

1. Make the most of all the moments that life has to offer 

Be aware of all the big and small times you are having, as you are experiencing them.

Enjoy it fully, enjoy without thinking about the next day. Are you in the middle of a group of friends having a good time over a coffee? Realize it and take advantage of it.

Got a nice note from someone you like? Cherish this moment and don’t think about life’s tricks on you.

2. Don’t be bitter

Did things go wrong for you today? Tomorrow is another day. Have you had problems with your friends or at work? Don’t give them importance.

Life is like a game, in which you have to overcome small and big obstacles. Face them with all your courage, and feel proud that you were able to overcome them.

3. Find out the things you love

Do you like to play sports, play an instrument, listen to loud music, go to a concert, smell the sea, or enjoy the laughter of a child? Do not wait any longer !

Do not stay in the logic of “I will do it when…”, or “I might have the chance to…” forever.

Seize the opportunities available to you. Go in search of what excites you and enjoy life. You have nothing to lose.


4. Don’t wait for things to happen, make them happen

Do you want to fall in love? Do you want to meet new friends who will bring you good vibes? Why don’t you take on these new quests?

If you put your efforts into it, if you go in search of those new things that make you want, the opportunities will arise.

5. Enjoy the little pleasures of everyday life

Be aware that you can breathe, smell, smile, savor… Laugh, eat that piece of cake you crave, get drunk on the smell of coffee, listen to the sound of the ocean.

Live and fully experience each of the little pleasures offered by your daily life.

6. Learn to live like a child again

Have you ever realized the way children live? They enjoy the present moment, they don’t think about the next day, they laugh out loud, they take full advantage of what makes them happy, as if there was no future.

When they fall they cry for a while, then the pain passes and they laugh again about another adventure. We can rediscover that spontaneity that we had when we were children.

7. Benefit from the experience of older people

It is possible that at some point in your life, when you were preoccupied with something, you had a conversation with your grandfather, and he gave you a real lesson in life, through one. anecdotes from his youth.

Grandparents, and the elderly in general, are wells of wisdom who know life and have discovered every one of its secrets.

They are able to bring us many things. Take a moment to spend time with them.

The moral of this article is: carpe diem! Take life on the bright side and enjoy the moments of joy it offers you every day.

Keep in mind that happiness is an attitude, that you can always build it and achieve it.

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