I Have The Blues, What Should I Do?

I have the blues, what to do?

We all feel bad from time to time. There are times, days, weeks, or even months when our strengths seem to fade and our illusions fade away. Times when a single sentence has no place in our minds: “I have the blues”. It seems that we have lost our way and a very unpleasant wave of reluctance has taken hold of us.

It is normal to feel bad once in a while. Life is a continuous adventure of good days, bad days, and of course, normal days. But what can we do to resolve this? How to make this feeling disappear? Knowing how to deal with times of sadness will give us that much-needed light on our cloudy days. Let’s see below what strategies to put in place to fight against this daily sadness.

I have the blues: what are the best strategies?

There are countless books, articles, and magazines that offer the latest and greatest in how to feel happy all the time and eradicate bad times forever. However, most of them are unrealistic or usually only work in the short term.

This is why,  in this article,  we will not talk so much about techniques but rather about strategies to manage the discomfort that sometimes invades us. These are obviously not miraculous cures, these strategies require effort, patience and emotional sensitivity to implement them, but we will undoubtedly notice their benefits, especially in the long term. These strategies are:

  • Accept what happens to us
  • Take care of the body
  • Surround yourself with people we value
  • Work on our goals
thoughtful woman

1- Accept what happens to us

When we think “I’ve got the blues” the first reaction we have is to try to deny it,  so that we distract ourselves and fight that unpleasant feeling. After all, no one wants to feel sad, why should we allow something like this to happen?

The problem with this strategy is that, in the world of emotions, whatever we resist tends to get stronger. Therefore, in general, when we get angry with ourselves for feeling bad, we ultimately only add more weight to our suffering.

The reality is that emotions try to send a message to us. They are nothing more than chemical reactions in our brain, which alert us when something is good or not. Therefore, focusing only on the unpleasant emotions that result from this blues, and not on its cause,  will only increase our discomfort in the long run.

Therefore, the best strategy when we feel bad is to accept what is happening to us and try to find out why we are feeling these emotions and what they are for us. One of the best ways to achieve this is through relaxation and meditation exercises.

2- Take care of the body

We often look for the cause in external circumstances or in our thoughts when we are in a bad mood. However,  the origin of our blues is sometimes more related to our body chemistry than to what happens to us.

Therefore, for us  sen shooting long term although it is essential to take care of our diet, exercise and rest well. While at first glance it may seem that these three factors don’t influence our blues moments, the reality is that they do have a lot more than we might think.

woman doing sports

3- Surround yourself with people we appreciate

According to a large number of scientific studies, improving our social relationships has a direct impact on our happiness. This is one of the most important areas of life. From couples’ relationships to simple friendships, being able to count on other people we trust and who make us feel supported is essential to feeling good.

One of the most useful strategies for our times of sadness is to go out to socialize with other people. While it is likely that under such circumstances we do not want to, as soon as we remove that cloak of loneliness that envelops us and come into contact with someone we value, our mood will improve dramatically. .

Also, if we see ourselves as shy, improving our social skills can act as a catalyst for us to feel better about ourselves. So,  once we are confident in our ability to meet and bond with new people, we will find that our bluesy moments have stuck behind us .

4- Work on our objectives

The last strategy is to  focus on our goals, in other words not to put aside our personal plans and goals. Indeed, it may be that this discomfort has made us disconnect from ourselves and we must strengthen the links with ourselves.

man going forward

Let’s not forget that prioritizing ourselves is important for our well-being. If we let ourselves go and leave whatever we want to do in the background, it’s normal that one day or another we wake up with feelings of frustration and failure.

As we can see, it  is possible to reduce this unpleasant feeling that sometimes invades us. We just need to be aware of it and think about what we can do to resolve it.

Don't do anything, just listen to what your unhappiness means
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