I Don’t Have Much Left, But At Least I’m At Peace

I don't have much left, but at least I'm at peace

Sometimes we see storms passing through our lives that seem to devastate us. Other winds seem much less disruptive, although their unpleasant breeze may appear constantly and without granting us any truce, thus wresting us from peace. On the other hand, there are other winds which send us back to the very meaning of life. Winds of vitality brought to us by the tenderness of people who seem to have been born to share their lives with us. Strong winds, and others, peaceful.

However, sometimes these winds become too powerful eddies, so powerful that they devastate us. Perhaps we will already be a “featherweight” for them, weakened by small negative events that have made us falter. However, on other occasions, storms come when we least expect them and strike with unexpected brutality, wresting peace from our lives.

The moment you are inside and can feel all of its strength, you may feel that you are slowly starting to lose everything that you once thought was safe in your life. Your head will start to spin, and you will come to see painful realities that you never wanted to see (such as betrayal or abandonment) as these sudden movements of ideas seem to be based on others of more. great importance.

It is then that you understand that this storm has taken part of you, but not the best. She needed to take it that way so that you would react and seek your own peace. It is certain that I have suffered from these storms in my life and even today I do not know if it would have been better if they did not strike with such force. They showed me the essentials. I don’t have much left, but enough in any case to move forward and be at peace.

We’ve all gone through a stage where it seemed like life was unwilling to give us a truce, nor even the slightest margin that could allow us to understand why it all seemed so muddled. I don’t believe in the law of attraction, however I believe that when something goes wrong, life stops until you understand why. For the best or for the worst.

That smell that you thought was worth it was just a colored smoke. She had no gasoline in the face of adversity. That feeling of awe and mystery for something breaks down to show you the mediocrity it hides.

There are times when we seem to lose all our bushy branches and resplendent flowers, only to end up with a tree of dry branches. But do not forget that there is something poetic in the contemplation of this tree, dry and threadbare. It always seems to harbor a desire, a hope, a promise.

He appears to be at peace, but promises to declare war soon. It seems that the promise of his extreme thinness is his best virtue. Sometimes the best things are the things that were beautiful and did not happen again, the things that are now dead but announce their intention to live again. It is on this flat plane of existence that the unique meaning of life is found.

Obviously, there is no point in complaining. What feels like a tsunami that took away everything that we felt made us special / special also took away a multitude of unnecessary things. We then become aware of this, we raise our heads, and we feel lighter.

Everything has become more spontaneous and more natural. Hypocrisy no longer irritates us but simply makes us laugh out loud inside. There is no better response to those who have hurt us by act, omission, or terrible disappointment than the internal indifference that suddenly you are capable of showing. Like that spontaneous smile that emerges with the first airs of reciprocal love.

Passionate hearts only break in the face of something that can truly hurt them forever. An intelligent person will always regret what has been of value. Usually cowardice is not part of the memory. It only reminds you of the pain in your ego, not the pain of loss.

This is why the flowers are starting to be reborn. You realize that one day you felt like you had nothing left, but this whole process was actually necessary for you to become the person you are today. You then feel overwhelmed by a feeling of peace, which can only be felt after having been the victim of these storms which can transform you completely.

Sometimes it’s a privilege not to have much left, to see things go. Yet not everyone finds meaning in this process.

You know what’s really important to move forward. You are more agile, which does not mean that from now on you will no longer have any problems, but that you shiver again under the caresses of true romance, that you laugh out loud with your friends again. You enjoy your social life.

The wonderful thing about all of this is that you have stood with dignity and you are no longer the same person. You feel much better. Don’t regret the smiles of the past; those of today are already the ones that characterize you. They show that the best is yet to come, and sometimes arise from the clarity shed by the force of this storm.

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