How To Face Despair?

How to face despair?

How could we define desperation? This term refers to the loss of hope, to feeling an inner emptiness, to thinking that there is nothing left in the desert around us, that all our efforts are now in vain. How could we face the loss of strength to move forward? How to face despair?

When this feeling comes over us, doubts arise, why do we have to keep trying? Why do we have to keep getting up every day? People who have experienced this emotion feel that they can no longer cope with their work, with their daily life with its obligations, and that the best solution is perhaps that of giving up in order to stop suffering.

For this, despair can turn out to be one of the worst enemies, because it blindfolds us and gradually removes our strength and envy. He does not let us see beyond the wall that hides the light: he whispers in our ears that it will not pass, that nothing can improve, that everything is over and that we only have left ‘to accept to live like this. Faced with this panorama, how to face despair?

Despair clashes with patience; with minimal work, but with enormous effort, with small steps, with small successes. By surrounding us with important people who help us to come out of the abyss and make us see the magnificent things that remain to be experienced and for which it is necessary to continue living and to continue to fight.

Despair, our worst enemy

When we are in despair, the worst thing we can do is be nice to that guest. Maybe he got in, but from there the solution lies in making an effort and (above all) being smart to get him out as quickly as possible. Despair frightens, he knows the fears of the one he attacks and feeds on them. So, if we learn to deal with our fears, despair will have no food to feed on and will eventually come out.

In this sense, all the emotional management tools we rely on can help us to face despair. The range of possibilities is wide: we are talking about tools that cut negative thought cycles, but also those that make us socially skilled and intelligent in choosing strategies.

Maybe we can’t see past what we have now: when we’re in the dark it’s hard to see the light on the other side. On the other hand, let us not forget that we ourselves can succeed in being a very powerful focus of light if we give a turn to the key which will allow us to “light up”. From this principle, despair can flee especially from within people who dedicate their resources to organize their thought patterns.


Your best weapon to face despair is your will to live

This is the most important: you are more than a current situation, you have gone through difficult situations and have been able to overcome them, you are able to achieve valuable goals. You have faith in you, and it is important to keep it. Tell yourself that your mind is working with what is happening to you, but that it is working even more with what it thinks will happen to you. In reality we are more what we believe or what we are willing to believe than we are what we think.

In the past we have experienced very difficult situations which we have managed to overcome. In addition, thanks to these experiences, we now have resources that make us stronger. In the immediate future, the opportunity to continue living presents itself to us. Finally, for the more distant future, we can make plans; illusions that never cease to generate in us the motivation to act.

want to live

This reasoning, simple and easy to elaborate, is at the same time quite difficult to maintain, whether it is for fear or for the times when fate has not left us the time to do so. On the other hand, he never ceases to be worth it in the same way as the people who have stayed with us, although the time is tough and we know and recognize that we are not the most pleasant company. If they believe it, “Why not give us the opportunity. “

In other words: despair never ceases to be an illusion. An impossibility: that of being blind to the alternatives that make it easier for us to exit. On the other hand, as worrying as it may seem, it is difficult to maintain when we favor values ​​over fear… or self-confidence over anxiety.


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