Fate Puts Many People In Your Path, Only The Best Remain

Fate puts a lot of people in your way, only the best remain

Fate puts a lot of people in our way, but only the best remain. Those with whom we have sincere and strong bonds are established in our lives and cling to our hearts.

We speak of the “heart” as a place that symbolizes our emotional and social world, from which we drink sips of energy that connect us to the life, world and society to which we belong.

This statement is also true depending on the way we are and the people around us.

It is indeed all this that determines the opportunity that we have to surround ourselves with people who are faithful to us.


Fragile relationships and strong relationships, a whole world

As we have explained here, it is likely that we miss a lot of people but we don’t see them anymore because we know that they don’t do us any good, even though we love them.

Think about friendships or loves that you often quarrel with, relationships that generate conflicts that you can never resolve.

At other times, it is enough to think that there are people who obstruct our freedoms on their own, by inquisitive attitudes or by a harmful dynamic that has been forged over the course of the relationship.

It is therefore important to take responsibility and not to take yourself for victims because the situation that is formed and builds a fragile relationship that cracks must be analyzed patiently, and from the heart.

So, as if it were an array of colors, we have to accept that sometimes we are not the ideal companions and it is normal for some relationships not to flourish.

It is part of the intrinsic nature of the human being: our surroundings and our emotional world are constantly changing.


Much will depend on how we deal with this changing world where some people stay, and the connections we maintain with them.

It is a question of compatibility, essence and intimate looks that feed us.

However, there is something we can do to strengthen our relationships and build beautiful pillars that support them.

Here we give you fundamental premises to generate beautiful, healthy and solid relationships:

  • Listen to understand, not to answer.
  • To be noble and not to manipulate, as well as to maintain loyalty.
  • Keep his promises.
  • Be honest and up front with those around us.
  • Be careful and picky.
  • Don’t compete.
  • Ask for forgiveness when necessary and forgive. Problems do not happen alone and we are always partly responsible for them.

It is not easy to overcome the disappointment of severing special relationships

There are times when we start to trust a person and that person fails us. In this case, it is not good to victimize yourself but to manage these disappointments which is often complicated and painful.

Usually, disappointments are often preceded by a misunderstanding. Whether it was because we couldn’t express ourselves or because the other person couldn’t connect with us the way we needed to, what is certain is that a lot of ruptures occur as a result of the breakdown of one of the principles that we have discussed here.

After that, we have to face a deep sense of disappointment which, without a doubt, is the sum of our responsibility, that of the other person, and that of both as the creators of a relationship. 

This is why in these cases it is good to analyze our pride and see if there is a way to solve the created problems, to speak from the heart and to close the wounds.

If this is not possible, then we have to accept that there are people coming and going. In the end, as someone once said, there are life circumstances that lock us in and others that give us wings.

People who load our backpack with stones and people who take care of lightening it. People who darken us and others who do everything to make us shine brightly.

Don’t waste our time with the wrong people who don’t allow us to be happy. Let’s not fight for those who constantly ignore us, let’s value the people who accompany us during good and bad times.

Let’s be aware that people come and go and that a lot of it depends on our own choices.

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