Do You Know The 13 Types Of Love?

Do you know the 13 types of love?

We live in a society in which we have unconsciously constructed sacred, immutable, and magnificent rules, such as those governing love.

We have built pillars and structures that we need to follow in order to be able to experience and experience this incredible feeling in our daily lives.

Couples relationships all have habits that can be considered similar.

But, in this article, we’re going to teach you how to differentiate between the major types of love that make this feeling one of the most complex around.

You are very likely to experience several different types of it as we speak to you.

The ideal would be to be able to live all these different loves, or to live several at the same time in one and the same relationship.

It would certainly give our lives a boost, and allow a greater union between human beings.

The 13 types of love

1. Sentimental love: it is sincere love, which hides in all the recesses of the soul. In this love, feelings are the real protagonists.

2. Passionate love: this is the one you can see in the movies. It is strong, deep and intense.

3. Eternal love: it is a type of love that we find in people who, even if they are separated, are filled by this feeling which unites them to each other.

When they are together, love fills their whole being and they share wonderful moments.

4. Valiant love: this type of love allows you to cross any barrier and overcome any problem, to make the relationship triumph over the rest of the world.

It is particularly found in long-distance relationships. It doesn’t matter if the world is against it, it’s genuine love.

The two people who feel this love for each other are able to make it live until their last breath.

5. Incompatible Love: This is perhaps one of the most painful types of love, but it allows us to learn a lot about ourselves.

6. Unexpected love:  this type of love can be summed up in one sentence “ Love is like a butterfly. The more we try to catch it, the more it will escape us. But if we don’t chase it away, it will simply come and land on our shoulder ”.

Unexpected love arises when we least expect it, and we are not prepared to live it.

It happens to people who are not looking for it and will make them happy forever.  

7. Faithful love:  it is the love felt by a person who deeply loves another person, no matter how many times the other has said no to him and has made him wait.

She will always look at him with eyes filled with deep love, hoping that one day the other will say yes to her. She will always be there for him.

8. Crazy love:  it is the one that makes us lose our minds. We find ourselves saying things that we never thought we would say.

He makes us do things that are beyond comprehension. It allows us to talk about anything and everything with the loved one, always keeping a blissful smile on our lips.

9. Vacation love: We have all experienced this short and intense love at least once.

When we live it, we don’t think about the future, only the present moment matters, and it never seems to have an end. The final separation at the end of the vacation is often very painful.

10. The first love: it is also a love that many people know.

No matter what relationships one may have afterwards, first love will always be first love. It is perhaps the most sincere love that we have in our life.

11. True love: the meeting between the two people can be done when they are very young.

Or, it hasn’t happened yet, and the two people are waiting for it. When it is born, this love exceeds any that we have known before.

12. Shy love: both people feel it, are dying to start a beautiful love story, but they do not dare to take the first step. They remain immersed in silence.

13. Blind love: it is one of the most precious and sincere. It is a love that can only be seen with the heart.

And you, what kind of love do you feel?


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