Define The Best Version Of Yourself And Work Towards It

Define the best version of yourself and work towards it

Characters such as Steve Jobs, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein have shown us the importance of defining the best version of yourself, of striving to make your dreams come true and of being true to the person within you. Thus, our efforts in this process will never be wasted.

Albert Einstein was not a good student: he was distracted and paid no attention to class. He said: “I had such a slow development that I started to wonder about space and time, until I grew up”.

The keys to defining the best version of yourself

Defining the best version of yourself means taking a path of personal achievement and making an effort to get out of your comfort zone. Stop for a moment to think about who you really are, to step away from the image others expect of you, and to bring out your true essence.

Focus, pay attention

First of all, it is important to have a goal on what best version we would like to become. What is this person doing that you don’t want to be? What doesn’t she do? Who is she related to? What are the things that make her happy and those that do not make her happy?

You need to focus on yourself for a while and think deeply to get away from false beliefs . If we leave them on one side, we take a huge step towards getting closer to our essence, to our Self. It is important to be sincere and not to fall into self-betrayal.


Your happiness depends on you

If you hear yourself talking, you will find that you are sending yourself a lot of negative messages that prevent you from finding the best version of yourself: “I can’t”, “I can’t”, “I” am afraid ”,“ I am not well like that ”,“ It does not depend on me ”.

In addition, we tend to look in others or in events for the causes of our unhappiness. So, we have a perfect excuse that allows us not to do more to be happy, when in reality we have a lot of leeway.

Learn to accept risks

Being the best version of yourself means accepting risks, trying hard, knowing that in some aspects you will fail and in others you will triumph. Understand that along the way, you will learn that there are people who will support you and others who will leave you behind. And that you will never be the same person again. 

Accepting the risks also means stepping out of your comfort zone, of those circumstances that surround you and that you accept, believing that it is better to live in something known, even if it is mediocre, than to try something else. . Being in your comfort zone causes you to have a life that is not making you happy and that you do nothing to change it.

Persist and be flexible

Defining and working out the best version of yourself is not an easy process, let alone a comfortable one. At these times, you will need a great deal of willpower. Persistence is based on the power of visualization and focus.

The ability to be flexible will also allow you to change negative outcomes that will have no other nature if you continue to persist in the same direction or with the same approach.  Realize that in most projects there is a place for failure and for learning, inevitably. Knowing how to take good note of it will, in difficult cases, allow you to move forward.

Bet on the best version of yourself

If you’ve set your best version, now is the time to start working towards it. Plan the strategies and resources you are going to use to get there, and break the path down into small steps that can confirm progress.

Seek outside support from people who believe in you, those who are by your side whenever you need you. They will be of essential support when you feel unmotivated or if you need to talk because you have doubts and fears.


Once you are on the path to getting the best version of yourself, measure what you have achieved on a regular basis to see if you need to make any changes in your goals or in tasks to achieve your goal. Plus, don’t forget to reward yourself when you achieve something, the rest will follow.

And above all, take action and be proactive. Don’t wait for something to happen before moving, or for another person to do something. It is essential that you have the energy to strive for what makes you happy and to become the person you want to be. 

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