And Since I Didn’t Know It Was Impossible, I Did

And since I didn't know it was impossible, I did

Once upon a time, there were two children ice skating on a frozen lake. The sky was overcast and cold that evening, but the children played without worrying. Suddenly the ice broke, and one of the two children fell into the water. The other child, seeing that his friend was drowning under the ice, then took a stone, began to strike with all his might on the ice until it broke, grabbed his friend and saved him.

When the firefighters arrived and saw what had happened, they wondered how the child could have done to save his friend, the ice being very thick.

“He couldn’t break the ice just with that stone and his tiny hands,” they said.

At that moment an old man appeared and said:

– I know how he did it.
– Ah? How? ‘Or’ What ?
– There was no one next to him to tell him that he couldn’t do it.

How many of you have ever given up halfway just because someone told you that you weren’t going to make it, and that you weren’t going to reach your goal?

We have all experienced this situation in different areas.

I have known great sorrows. Our teachers, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our friends, all insist on making us a complete person, but it is quite unnecessary.

My words are harsh, I know, but I have too many times seen a compassionate look in the face of wasted effort.

There are so many things that we will never have done in our lifetime because someone told us we couldn’t do it, and we made the mistake of believing it.

There are so many opportunities that we did not know how to seize, just because we “knew” in advance that we would not achieve our objective.

There are a thousand and one ways to discourage someone, each equally painful.

How many times have we heard “I’m not going to make it”, “don’t waste time with this”?

Most of the time, it’s more subtle things, such as looks of compassion, mockery, despair, and incomprehension at the inordinate effort that big and small heroes put in to get what they want.


Some people think that they will never be able to learn a language, overcome their shyness, win a trophy or learn to drive.

And often the most destructive and fatal premonitions come from family or school.

It is thanks to these two great pillars of our lives that we develop, giving free rein to our ability to surpass ourselves  .

In other words, when we are children, what others say to us is either a brake or a stimulation, but also conforms  our identity and the image we have of ourselves.

Moreover, assuming that we are reproducing behavioral patterns instilled in us by our peers, we too have probably believed that someone would not achieve something.

Finally, we often end up becoming the murderer of the dreams of the other (even if we know that it hurts, and even if we try to do otherwise).

In fact, if it doesn’t happen one way, it will be another. As Edison said , ” those who say it is impossible should not hinder or interrupt those who are trying .

We can do what we love if we give ourselves the means. Of course, to love is not to be able, but it helps, and it is the only way to get there.

We all break our ice to save ourselves from a sure death.

The strength to get up a thousand times after having fallen a thousand times and to keep smiling, resides in each of us. We all have the courage to face suffering, and to pick up the pieces that others have broken.

Those who have pursued a goal know that the first step is to  set goals, the second is to turn a deaf ear to dream killers, and the third step is to reach a point of no return.

The point of no return is that moment when we have no other choice but to get there.

If we want, we can settle our accounts, because as Seneca said , “it is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It’s because we don’t dare that things are difficult ” .

So, if you want to go where the majority of people don’t go, you have to do something that others don’t: believe it!

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