Put Some Order In Your Outer Chaos To Be Happier

Put your outer chaos in order to be happier

Have you ever wondered why one day, for no apparent or conscious reason, you get up and you have the vital need to tidy up your closet?

Or why do you have the desire to change the place of furniture, to clear the table of all the papers that did not bother you before, or to throw away objects that suddenly no longer make sense?

When this happens, your mind is crying out loud for you to renew and recover the lost motivation and energy.

It is important to pay attention to these signals so that you can get your hands dirty and resolve the situation as soon as possible.

Often an outer change is the first step towards a deep inner change.

If you think about it for a few seconds, you will surely remember tidying up your room or your house, and it gave you a great inner tranquility, which you did not have before.

What does tidying up physical space do for you?

Outer order can bring greater inner peace in oneself. In fact, Marie Kondo, author of the world bestseller The Magic of Order , says a tidy house is the first step to happiness.


A tidy and bright environment can give us a greater sense of well-being and comfort than a neglected environment.

The physical environment in which we spend most of our time often affects the way we think and feel. 

Getting organized is the first task that will then allow us to tackle other changes in our life.

First of all, our energy needs tidy and renewed spaces to be fluid.

Then,  outer chaos is often the result of outer chaos and this is because of the accumulation of unpleasant feelings like fear or discouragement.

Our minds view them with some learned logic and they stay there until the alarms sound.

The first alarm is the need to put everything around us in order with the intention of ordering our mind.

It’s easier to first make an exterior change and then do it on an interior level. 

The link between order and new cycles

Often times, the need to start tidying up our physical space arises when a new cycle begins:

  • When it’s the start of the year.
  • At the start of the school year.
  • When we come back from vacation.
  • After our anniversary.
  • When we start a new job.
  • When we move to another house or town.

These are common times when we decide to change. We can turn the page and start a new stage with the stopwatch at zero.

We then manage to put things back in place, by getting rid of what we consider unnecessary and by putting away what we want to keep.

It is about bringing order to our physical space, but also to our “mental cabinet”.

How to get rid of what is not necessary?

When you are able to tell the difference between the necessary and the superfluous, you see reality more clearly.

If you have trouble discerning what is useful from what is not, we advise you to throw away anything that you have not used during the last year (clothes, books, documents…).

And if you have a phobia to throw away because you feel like you are giving up a part of yourself, think these thoughts are parasites.

What you need to do is take action to help create more space for new things (both physical and mental and emotional).

In many cultures, there are ceremonies in which old objects are burned and symbolic representations of people who consider themselves negative, to regain inner peace.

For example, on Saint John’s Day, we throw objects into the fire that bring bad memories or cards on which are written the fears and the names of the people we want to evict from our life.

Order and positive thinking 

It is absolutely certain that there is a correlation between order and the emergence of pleasant thoughts.

As you bring order, whether on impulse or premeditatedly, you reflect on what makes you happy, what bothers you and what bothers you. 


When you fill your bags with things that are useless, you realize what is really important.

So every item you throw away is an experience you don’t want to keep in your life. Little by little, you lighten your crew.

Prioritize and think about the future

Ordering helps you prioritize and think about immediate and future needs, so it’s a good idea to make a list and write down real goals.

Saturating yourself with goals is not good, it only leads to frustration and discouragement because you will not be able to achieve them all. Your whole wishlist will end up in a forgotten drawer.

Ordering your mind and consciousness will help you give more meaning to your life by helping you to live in the present moment, to let go of what is not necessary and to keep only the essentials, looking to the future with new eyes.

So, greater physical order will help you have better mental and emotional order to accept new challenges with more energy.

If you find yourself at the beginning of the path and are prepared, think that you only have one mission left: to do it!

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