Love And Know How To Show It

Love and know how to show it

When we announce to those around us that someone has entered our life, this person is beginning to have an important place. We feel close to her, and above all, we feel good.

At this point, you start to have feelings of tenderness, and they are mutual. Now, the best is to try to preserve this love, and especially to show it.

When you love someone, feeling is not enough. You have to prove it and share what you feel with your other half.

Show her you love her

What happens most often is what we love someone very much but don’t know how to show them.

Sometimes we even think that our other half is already well aware that we love them and we take the situation for granted.

Dealing with routine, issues that are beyond our control, and the comfort of knowing that love will never falter is no easy task.

Ovedia Rosales, therapist, says that showing someone how much you love them makes them love them even stronger.

So, it would be good to tell our parents or children more often that we love them, to show our friends what they mean to us, and to share our feelings with our other half. Here are some tips to make it happen!


6 tips to prove your love

There are several very easy ways to tell someone how you feel about them. This person may not know it, but he is very important to us.

  • The smallest attentions are the most beautiful  : the sum of small daily gestures strengthens our relationships.

Do not think that one great attention at a specific moment can be enough to think that the other will be there forever. A great gesture or a magnificent gift does not guarantee a future for two.

The best guarantee is everyday life. Take care of your other half whenever you can and let them know how important they are to you. She will be very grateful to you.

  • Love yourself before you can love someone else. It is very important to be aware that if you want to love someone, you must first love yourself.

Often times, giving your all for someone is thought to be a way of showing love.

However, it is not if we forget to exist and love ourselves as individuals. Respecting your personal space is the only way to love and love yourself.

  • The first step is to know your other half well. Remember that everyone has their sweet spots, and if you want your other half to feel special, you need to know them by heart first.

Once you know her desires, her fears, her worries and what makes her happy, all you have to do is prove your love to her. Let him know that you can ease his sorrows and strengthen his joys.

Remember that a bar of chocolate, a walk, a map or a simple phone call can brighten up his day.

  • Give him your time.  One of the most valuable things we have in life is the ability to do whatever we want with our free time. It is for this reason that sharing it with others is a sign of affection and love.

It is very important that the other person knows that you want to spend time with them, even if it is sometimes difficult due to the distance. However, if there’s nothing stopping you, then do it.


There are many ways to reduce the distances and give a little of our time and therefore to share our life.

  • Silky affectionate. There is a quote that says, “ In marriage one can stand without love, but never without affection. “.

Affection seems to be an obvious point. However, we often forget that the people who love us need affection from time to time.

It’s not just about physical contact, because a simple smile can have the same value as a big hug.

To love and to know how to prove it is to love twice as hard

Trust the other person, accept their way of being, and respect them. Listen to her as if it concerns you, forgive and prove your feelings.

To love and to know how to prove it is to love twice as much.  If you want to keep this person in your life, you have to earn it.

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