Childhood Wounds, Scars In Adulthood

Childhood wounds, scars in adulthood

During childhood, no matter how young we are, we can feel the impact of a situation even if we do not understand it, feel pain, fear or even feel confused. Age does not protect us from suffering.

As we grow up, our reasoning skills give us the ability to understand everything that happened during our childhood. 

The wounds have left cracks in our hearts, and torn apart the memories in our minds.

Suffering from mistreatment, growing up without the presence of our father or our mother, losing someone, or living in an unstructured home, are realities that hurt our childhood, sometimes creating traumas in our hearts that make us clothe us. armor of distrust.

Therefore, we fail to open up to other people to create lasting relationships. We muffle our happiness with the echo of those childhood days when we lacked genuine affection or personal security.

Projecting into the future despite the past

A difficult past should not prevent us from trying to live fully in the present. Happiness does not require doing penance, we must all learn to manage our life to live it optimally, and with maturity. 

The term resilience corresponds to this essential virtue that we all have to project ourselves into the future despite destabilizing conditions, trauma and difficulties.

But how do you get there? How to face the past? How can we leave aside all these scars from our childhood that we are the only ones to see?

– Develop a healthy concept of yourself

You don’t have to feel responsible for what happened in the past. Try to find the strength within yourself to forgive and accept what has happened. It’s not always easy, but it is a process that will help you let go.

This does not mean to justify, but rather to accept. You must consider yourself as beings capable of moving forward in life, believing yourself to be strong and counting on your skills to face everyday life.

You have the right to be happy, and the fragility of your childhood is a motivation to become strong in adulthood.

– Strategies to solve problems

Your daily life will undoubtedly bring you situations in which your memories will resurface, and where insecurity will make you feel incapable of facing anything.

This is why it is essential that you learn to solve the problems that gnaw at you, to recognize your priorities, to establish your objectives, to cultivate your communication and assertion skills, etc.

– Strengthen your self-esteem

Learn to value yourself, to take into account your potential and your abilities, because you are capable of much more than you think.

You should never compare yourself to others, or tell yourself that you can’t do something. You need to get up confidently every day to face any challenges that may arise.

If you have confidence in yourself, if you have well defined your self-concept, your values ​​and your goals, insecurity will have no hold on you.

You were vulnerable in the past, but fragility can teach you a lot. You know what your limits are, and you must arm yourself with strength to move forward with a sure step in life.

having a difficult childhood does not condition your entire life. It’s all up to you, and keep in mind that you deserve to be happy.

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