What Bothers And Cannot Be Repaired Is Repeated

What bothers and cannot be repaired is repeated

There is no formula that one can use to prevent something that we dislike and that bothers us from happening, because  both happy and unhappy experiences must happen at some point in our lives.

It is impossible and unlikely to want to be always well or for events to constantly smile on us, since in reality unpleasant facts have also taught us something: we are able to get up several times, and we are also provided with tools to support falls.

For this last reason, precisely, we always need to face what is bothering us and to find the way to fix it.

Let us not forget that  if we have the strength to endure bad things, we are also resilient to face them and shut the door completely. 

Remember that what is not properly attached always ends up escaping, and that has consequences.

It’s normal that you want to get away from what bothers you

The temptation to escape from what bothers us is almost always great. As human beings, we have certain instincts, and these dictate to us that when faced with the perception of a threat, there are two answers: flight or fight.

Yet  most of the threats we face are no longer lions or snakes, and therefore require a more complex response.


It is perfectly understandable that if we are feeling broken inside, we believe that the best possible solution is to run away and that we want time to take charge of letting things resume their course.

In these cases, we only want one thing: to be emotionally good again, without running the risk of breaking ourselves down further.

Collapsing necessarily involves an inner change that we initially don’t understand and which completely uproots us.

Such a change becomes disturbing if, in addition, we fail to give it the importance and the time it deserves.

We have to rebuild ourselves and that brings about a process that we are forced to go through so that the pain does not repeat itself when we look behind us .

What you run away from accompanies you

We are compelled to follow the process because if we try to get away from it, sooner or later we will realize that it has followed us where we have been. 

And even, if we tried to escape by thinking of something else, we will not have eliminated him and he will still be there.

Running away will probably give us the wrong perspective so that we can look at what is happening to us differently,  and that’s a good thing.

But in the end, we will always come to the same point: saying goodbye to the pain, finding the will to listen to ourselves longer, and deciding to be courageous in the face of the situation that does not allow us to continue.

What you don’t learn repeats itself

When the time comes when we have been able to correct what was bothering us, we will have learned much more than we initially thought. 

In any case, we will come out hardened from these circumstances which will have brought us face to face with life in all its depth.


If, on the contrary, we leave what is blocking us in the same place, then we will have bound hand and foot,  and even if we think we are moving, we will not move.

Cowardice, in this case, is not being afraid of the problem, but doing nothing to overcome it. Because being courageous is deciding not to impose yourself in the face of your inner monsters.

What we have left to its fate, hoping it will take shape and make us feel good, will repeat itself.

He will keep calling us when we feel the weakest, and he will not go away until we are completely separated from him.

This can involve crying if it’s necessary, and leads to a maybe.

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