My Child, My Treasure

My child, my treasure

When your child comes into the world, it is a treasure that is brought to you, for you have in front of you the fruit of the immense love that a human being can feel.

The respect and tenderness, which everyone needs to feel from others, is at its peak when the child, who was in his mother’s womb, comes into the world.

The arrival of a child

The arrival of a child should always be the fruit of love. When two people love each other with their whole being, they decide to bring into the world the fruit of their union, which symbolizes the beauty and happiness of their relationship.

However, we don’t want our child to come in the middle of a complicated and chaotic relationship situation.

If you love life with all your strength, and you deeply desire to leave a mark of your passage on this earth,  this little being who will make his appearance will change your life forever.

A child should always be wanted. Bringing a child into the world is a natural act that allows us to perpetuate our species. However, this should not become a purely evolutionary act.

Human beings love to find meaning in everything, and  the arrival of a child symbolizes all the good and the beautiful that there is in us.


The innocence of the child

This little being comes into the world with the innocence of one who does not yet know anything. You are his parents, his guardians, his protectors. You owe it to yourself to shield their awareness from all the evil and negative around you.

Apart from the unconditional love of this child, your mission is to let yourself be carried away by the passion he feels, to learn and discover.

A child has the real ability to make things simpler and more amazing.

For your child, everything they learn, no matter how simple, is a real discovery.

Think of the pirate who would finally find the much sought-after treasure. For him, everything is magic, mysterious and surprising. There is a world to see, and a world to learn.

Drive away negativity

However, it is very important to keep away all the negative that could interfere with its learning.

Your child will have plenty of time to discover pettiness and human misery later …


A child is like an inheritance. He is transmitted a way of being, an education, genes and attitudes to adopt in life which will be reflected in his habits. Do you really want your child to inherit misery and misery?

A child who begins to discover his world and his environment is happy. He vibrates with everything he touches, no matter how simple and mundane.

Of course, you cannot stop time so that your child will always be like this. However, you can create a world that allows her to live in peace, love, kindness, and respect.


Children’s world

We live in a world that can be difficult and painful at times, but under no circumstances should your children pay for the mistakes you make.

Your innocent child is the fruit of love, half of you, your treasure. It is your duty to prevent him from growing up in a harmful, excessively competitive and morbid environment.

If we focus on the happy innocence of children, we adults have much more to learn from them than the other way around.

Look at them, they walk every day with a smile on their face. They get excited in front of a flying butterfly and are amazed at the smell of chocolate ice cream… Don’t you miss this beauty of simple things?

Your treasures should be protected and loved more than anything in the world. These are the most beautiful things that a human being is capable of creating.

Love them unconditionally with each passing day. Your mission is to convey all your affection and love to them.

When your child is born, you have a treasure in your hands. There is nothing more beautiful and more important in life. Take advantage of this treasure, and take care of it, for it is wonderful.

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