Do You Know How To Protect Your Energy?

Do you know how to protect your energy?

All relationships are based on exchanges.  We exchange advice, opinions, information, gifts, favors, etc.

But a lot of times we don’t think about the energy exchange that occurs in our relationships. It is certain  that some people leave us with a smile on their face, while others have the opposite effect on us, they depress us and drain all our energy …

Although this may sound strange to you, in the parlance of some psychologists, these people are generally referred to as “energy vampires”.

In fact, this name suits them very well, because like these fantastic creatures, these individuals can turn you into an energy sucker.

After this unpleasant little note, it should be noted that the majority of these individuals are not aware of the harm they are doing.

They just have a way of being that is plaintive, they seek to be complained by others, or to hurt others because they themselves feel hurt.

How can we defend ourselves against these thieves or energy vampires?

According to psychologist Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter, the first step in protecting yourself from this category of individuals is to identify them, and perform a self-analysis to find out if you are one of them or not. .

Then you need to figure out how much time you want to spend with such people.

Craig Harper, the professional speaker specializing in the field of personal growth, says in his article  Protect Yourself Against Energy Vampires that after identifying these people, we must resolve to change the way with which we communicate or interact with.

Indeed, we cannot allow their words to affect us in the same way that a friend’s words would.

When a friend tells you about their problems, you worry about them, you put yourself in their shoes, you offer them your solidarity by spending all your energy to find a solution. However,  with these vampires, you will be spending your energy in vain.

Look for the traps and avoid them

Most of the time, these individuals still want to have the same conversation (although in general it is more akin to a monologue than something else) about their issues, but they are never willing to take your advice or to put them into practice. 

In the most extreme cases, although it may seem like a little harsh treatment, it is best to avoid these types of people. 

In the article mentioned above, Harper shares with his readers a technique that has worked for him. “When an energy vampire walks into my office, I stand up like I’m about to leave. I spend a few minutes with them, and if I realize that they still want to talk to me about their favorite subject, I start walking to end the conversation ”.

Sounds pretty unpleasant to you, doesn’t it? Think about the following:  we all want to be understanding, and help our colleagues or our family. However, some people just don’t want to be helped. 

Indeed, they only seek to pour out themselves and to transmit to you part of the emotional load which they carry.

They only think of relieving their mind, without really realizing that they are totally exhausting you …

This is not the definition of true friendship. Friends give and receive. So defend your share of energy and protect it!

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