5 Tips To Better Choose Your Friends

Even though we believe that friendship is the product of chance, we can take actions that allow us to choose our friends in good conscience. How? ‘Or’ What ?
5 tips to better choose your friends

Friendship is one of the most important interpersonal relationships;  it is also one of those that can disappoint us the most. Sometimes, after years of being in a relationship, that person may let us down, or all of a sudden we may realize that they are toxic. Other times, we complain because we can’t find real friends. If this is the case, maybe it’s time to learn how to choose your friends better.

Nowadays, thanks to technology, making friends has become easier. At least that’s what we think. The results of a survey by Time magazine revealed that many people do not have close friends. Maybe we don’t know how to choose our friends? Let’s take a look at some tips that may help us.

A young girl in good company having learned to choose her friends better

1. Better choose your friends: talk about our common interests

One of the first tips for choosing friends better is to talk about our common interests. While it is true that on a first approach we may feel sympathy for the other person, it is appropriate to have a conversation during which  we can realize that we share some passions or passions. time.

Why is this needed? Because we need to make plans with our friends to get to know them even more and strengthen our relationship. If we don’t have a common passion, how could we plan a weekend or an outing? It would be impossible. Therefore, talking about our common interests  will allow us to find people with whom we can share our free time.

2. Detect if they only come to us when they need it

The second of the tips for choosing friends better is to observe. To identify if they come closer to us because they want to share their time and do things together,  by carrying out some activity, or if, on the contrary, they only come to us when they have it need. We will detect this last point very easily because when they contact us, it will always be for us to be of service to them.

When this situation continues over time, we will start to feel bad. We will realize that the invitations to have coffee or to meet up for a chat come only from us. Often times,  they will not be available to us when we need to talk or confide. We must therefore take these important aspects into account.

3. Choose your friends better: how do they treat other people?

This advice is very important and necessary. Even if a person treats us well, that does not mean that they share our values ​​or that they are the person with whom we want to form friendships. It is therefore essential to observe how she treats other people. Other friends or even family members.

Imagine that we are very comfortable with a friend, that he shares our opinions, that we can discuss without problems on different subjects… But, one day, with his / her spouse or his / her parents, he / she displays a personality totally opposite. Paying attention to this point will allow us  to draw our own conclusions  and make a decision.

4. Address sensitive topics

Talking about politics, for example, can be a sensitive topic that allows this point to be put into practice. It is about  choosing the most sensitive topics that  we can discuss with our friends to find out how they react to them. We may understand that they are taboo for some or see that others think their opinion is the only one that is valid.

Raising sensitive topics will also help us to measure the degree of tolerance of our friends. Even if we don’t think the same thing about a topic,  it is important to respect the opinions of others  and to listen to them, as we would like to be done with our own.

Friends who talk

5. Choose your friends better: don’t be obsessed with the idea of ​​finding the perfect friend

The last tip is not to become obsessed with the idea of ​​finding the perfect friend. If we do this,  we will be in constant search  and will feel like we have no real connection with anyone, as the article The negative consequences of maximizing in friendship selection indicates . We need to choose our friends better, but without becoming inflexible people.

Our goal should be to  choose people who really bring us something. In addition, we must analyze the friendships that we have had with certain people for many years. Do they always bring us something or, on the contrary, do they take away a part of us?


Healthy friendships, bonds that help us grow
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