Stephen Hawking: 21 Thoughts On Life

Stephen Hawking: 21 Thoughts on Life

Stephen Hawking. This man who brought us closer to the stars. This man who theorized about sparkles, black holes and the origin of the universe. This man who discovered the peculiarities and breaches of space-time.

This man who made us dream of the possibility of time travel through black holes. This man who changed our view of the universe. This man we all admire but know so little about has left us.

He was a man of science, a sage of our time,  a person with a character that emanated deep strength and charisma. He began to stand out from a very young age thanks to his brilliant mind and lived his life devastated by the diagnosis of a painful disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.


Against all odds, Stephen Hawking survived this disease and turned into an exception, in a special case. When, at age 21, during his stay at Oxford, he was diagnosed with this disease, he was not given more than two years to live. So, against all odds and to our greatest luck,  his shining body and mind continued to enlighten us for over 50 years.

This fact has arguably made Stephen Hawking an even more admirable figure, a figure who leaves a legacy to the world, a legacy that goes far beyond the knowledge he has generated as a physicist, astrophysicist, cosmologist and scientific discloser.

Stephen Hawking’s thought through his most famous phrases

We could ask ourselves a bunch of questions thinking about Stephen Hawking. So one of the most curious and interesting would be, for example:  “What is it like to think like him?”. Obviously, in reality, giving an answer to this question is an impossible thing. On the other hand, we can research and get closer to his moral principles, his thoughts on life, the world and the universe.

For this, we have made a compilation of his most famous phrases – like an ultraviolet light to see the disappearance of a star – because we are convinced that to give a transcendence, a singularity and a distinction to the thoughts that he shared with we will help us to keep them over time. Here then is the greatest homage that we can pay to this figure, to this thinker and to this star that is gone.

  • “My message here and now is that black holes are not as black as they are portrayed. These are not the eternal prisons that we have described. Things can come out of a black hole, in our Universe and maybe in others. So if you feel like you are in a black hole, don’t give up hope: there is a way out.
  • This universe wouldn’t be much if it didn’t house the people we love.
  • “No matter how difficult life may seem, because you lose all hope if you can’t laugh at yourself and life in general.”
  • “We live in a universe governed by rational laws that we can discover and understand. Remember to always look up to the stars, not down to your feet. Try to understand what you see and what makes the universe exist. Be curious. ”
  • “I am not afraid of death, but I am in no rush to die. There are so many things I want to do first. ”
  • “I have noticed that even people who say that everything is predestined and that we cannot change a thing, look before crossing the street.”
  • “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”.
  • “I don’t think we’ll survive 1,000 more years if we don’t escape our fragile planet”.
  • “To survive as a species we must travel to the stars and today we are embarking on the next great human advance in the cosmos”.
  • “The next time you meet a climate change denier, tell him to take a trip to Venus; I’ll pay the bill. ”
  • “Einstein was wrong when he said that“ God does not play dice with the universe ”. Taking into account the assumptions of black holes, God not only  plays dice but sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen. ”
  • “Life would be tragic if it wasn’t funny”.
  • “The first enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge”.
  • “The human race needs an intellectual challenge. It must be boring being God and having nothing to discover ”.
stephen hawking chair
  • We are just an advanced race of apes on a minor planet with a very medium star, but we can understand the universe. It makes us very special ”.
  • “Quiet and silent people have the loudest and loudest minds”.
  • “People who brag about their IQ are losers”.
  • “People will not have time for you if you are still angry or complaining”.
  • “Even though there was a cloud over my future, I discovered, to my surprise, that I was enjoying life more than ever in the present”.
  • “Obviously, because of my disability, I need help. But I have always tried to overcome the limitations of my condition and live the fullest life possible. I have traveled all over the world, from Antartid to gravity ”.

Finally, we would also like to underline a phrase that Stephen once said: “ Nothing can exist forever”. In the most transcendent sense, it is perhaps complicated to understand that something goes on forever, but if there is one thing that is clear, it is that its legacy, whether intellectual or vital, will remain. living for a very, very long time.


Note to the reader: We recommend that readers view the film “The Theory of Everything”, which tells the story of Stephen Hawking from a different perspective. Moreover, it is interesting to get closer to his theories through books such as “ The Universe in a Nutshell”, “The Secret Key to the Universe”, “Brief History of Time”  or through any other production informative because they are based on a language adapted to people who do not have a great deal of knowledge in astrophysics.


Stephen Hawking, the star man
Our thoughts Our thoughts

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