Life Is Not Waiting For You, It Is Happening Here And Now

Life is not waiting for you, it is happening here and now

Life does not spare you, does not wait for you, nor does it schedule itself in your agenda, life is happening right now: here and now. It is at this precise moment that everything unfolds, that opportunities develop and that trains stop in stations warning you of an arrival that will never happen again. Remember, don’t put off the happiness you deserve today until tomorrow.

This message in itself, once approved, is not inspiring; contains a nuance that we may not all have thought of before. We almost all know that the best opportunities are available right now. On the other hand, we do not always see them, or even worse, we are not prepared to receive them for lack of a certain courage, of a certain ardor to cross the line of fear.

If we ask ourselves why this indecision or this “blindness” to see the doors that open every day before us, the answer lies in our cultural heritage, in our education and in the vital perspective that we have. imposed on us. Thus, and almost since our childhood, we have been convinced that there is a place in which we will be happy, that a day will come when our efforts, our confidence and our concern for surpassing ourselves will allow us to achieve our goal, our longed-for goal.

This may be the truth for some people; on the other hand, if there is one aspect that characterizes our current world, it is indeed uncertainty. Sometimes those who strive the most do not get what they want, those who strive to “sow” the most are those who reap the least. Many of us spend half of our lives waiting for “something” that will never happen, burying ourselves in this eternal expectation of our hopes and expectations.

Let us let ourselves be attracted by the application of a new strategy, stop focusing on the future and appreciate the here and now a little more. Let’s invest in a quality present through a receptive gaze, an open mind and a heart that takes what it needs.

seize the day

Appreciate the “here and now” to invest in happiness

For many, living attached to the immediate, to what is happening at the moment, supposes only an act of irresponsibility. First of all, we must understand that living in the here and now does not mean adopting a hedonistic view, a carpe diem purer than the baroque style which would limit us to enjoying the moment … as if it did not exist tomorrow. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, because taking advantage of the present allows you to invest in the future.

Paul Auster said with certainty that people must learn to live in the present because “  what is it that matters who you were in yesterday if you clearly know who you are today?  “. This is where the key is, in knowing who we are today, remembering where we are, what we need and where we want to get. In fact, oddly enough, it should be said that there is a common type of patient who resorts to psychologists in their clinical practice on a daily basis, namely, a patient who is “disconnected” from himself and from the present moment.

There are many people who, by experiencing a difficult sensation, by feeling a complex or problematic emotion, do not hesitate to interpret these events as “threats”. After this classification, they prefer to look the other way, saying to themselves that “tomorrow will be another day”, “tomorrow I will get better” or “time covers everything and heals everything”.

These people limit themselves to accumulating conflicts, voids and multiple frustrations like those who throw at their back all the stones found on the way. These people sidestep all responsibilities without knowing that those who deal with their emotions in the here and now are investing smarter in their happiness.

“Some are willing to do anything except to live here and now. “

-John Lennon-

invest in happiness

Train your mind to live in the here and now

Our mind is like a hyperactive child traveling in a car. He needs a toy, an activity to do, something to focus on, or something to think about, to worry about endlessly to the point of obsession. Our thoughts never cease and they are almost always focused on the immediate future. We are like that child in a car wondering how long it takes to get to our destination.

We forget that life is not a destiny, life is a journey, these are moments, fragments rooted in a present that escapes us all too frequently. One way to improve our approach, to slow down the speed of this car and to enjoy the scenery a bit more is to practice mindfulness. In fact, to achieve this we must train our mind through appropriate strategies. Let’s see some examples.

live better

Practice mindfulness, enjoy the here and now

  • Apply in your daily life the following affirmation: knowing how to live is to do our best with what we have at the moment.
  • A peaceful mind is synonymous with a clearer life. To reach this state of internal balance it will be useful for us to practice meditation, yoga or deep breathing.
  • Do not leave the concern you have today for tomorrow. Any complex emotion, anxiety or problem should be resolved immediately.
  • Work on your concentration, pay attention to everything you do, to what interests you in the present moment. Avoid doing multiple things at once.
  • Go out for a walk every day, at least for half an hour in a natural place.
  • Practice gratitude, be grateful for everything you have and that surrounds you.
  • Learn to listen better.
  • Eat without rush, enjoy every bite, every flavor.
  • Share quality time with your own people.
  • Practice passions that are interesting to you and that can awaken your creativity.

In conclusion, learning to live in the here and now requires above all willpower and daily work. No one changes their approach from week to week, but with will and decision we will appreciate more what really is, what we can touch, feel and grasp: the present.


Mindfulness meditation
Our thoughts Our thoughts

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