I Wish You To Find True Love, The One That Gives You Butterflies In The Belly

I wish you to find true love, the one that gives you butterflies in the belly

I wish you to find love, the true love that makes butterflies fly in your stomach, that makes you look blissful and makes your smile widen. The one from which you could not escape even if you wanted to, the one who pushes you to love even more, to love with more force, to love simply.

I wish you to know true love, not an easy and far too widespread love but a love which sprinkles every day,  which constantly makes you astonish yourself and which pushes you to want to take refuge in it when you feel lost. Love, yes, only five letters, but I wish you find it so that I can add a lot of words to it. There are a thousand meanings to love and… do you know which is the most important? The one who represents yourself.

I wish you this love, the love which embraces you with strength and security, the one which kisses with passion, which makes your legs tremble, which warms you when you are cold and which makes you drink when you burn. The love which makes you forget your “never again”, your limits, your idiotic and empty promises, this love which makes you live adventures and which pushes you to live, quite simply. Because remember that  if it doesn’t make you feel alive, it’s not love.

I wish you much more than words

Looking like love is not enough. We need love to be represented,  not to remain in the form of words but to be released from them. Because if we’re only dealing with words, then I don’t want you to feel it.

When a look does not need anything else, when a gesture says it all, when you are already trembling when you have not been touched or when there is so much chemistry that everything flows without having need more words. This is where we talk about love and the very one we like, true love.

I want to wish you smiles, those who have a reason and those who don’t. I want you to feel a bunch of emotions when he talks to you and you don’t tell me,  I want you to make me feel it so that I can savor it too. I want you to love yourself so much that you can still offer love to others, that you offer it with giggles, facts and not just words.

I want you to have cravings for adventure, to jump into the void, to conquer the world and all that goes with it. I want all of this to go way beyond words, I want you to grab that love and make it your own and feel it because otherwise it’s not worth it.

Don’t lose that urge to keep working

I also wish you not to lose this joy,  I want that after having felt all that you have felt you still want to live it and not to stop looking for it. Tell yourself that love is not only made of flowers, it is also made up of the water they need to grow and not die.

Keep looking for your passion and with passion keep feeling it, keep pushing love through every pore of your skin and every one of your laughs, keep working and making sure it never dies. When you are satisfied, it will be time to offer it to the world  because it needs love. He needs people to provide it.

When you lose it, look for it in the places where it has disappeared, whether in you or in the outside world, keep trying because love is capable of anything, don’t surrender and just do it. feel again, fall in love every second. If there is one thing we can repent of, it is not having tried, not having fought for him, because love heals everything.

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