When Envy Becomes Something Serious And Pathological

When the urge becomes something serious and pathological

Envy nibbles at any person and destroys all fertile ground. It kills what is alive and runs like a tsunami. It destroys everything. Envy is destructive, as much for oneself as for others. A feeling that makes life bitter, especially at its greatest intensity.

Maybe at some point in our life we ​​felt envy towards a person. Whether for his physical qualities, his achievements or his luck. No one is totally alien to this feeling.

Now, there is a kind of craving that is considered healthy that doesn’t produce that bitter taste. Its presence is like a pat on the back which, when we feel it, indicates to us what we miss or that we would like to change and which leaves us with a taste of sadness and longing. Healthy envy is not as bitter or destructive as pathological.


Listen to the urge to help us

Envy, whether healthy or pathological, tells us about something that we lack or at least that we consider not having. It may indicate to us the presence of a feeling of inferiority that prevents us from maintaining healthy relationships with others or perhaps reminds us of this dream that has remained trapped in the antechamber of our life. Either way, she always has something to tell us, which is why it is so important to listen to her.

woman looking at herself in the mirror

We won’t get anything by hiding or denying it. The envy is there and wants to warn us of something. Otherwise, we wouldn’t feel it like that thorn stuck in our chest knowing the happiness and happiness of others. It wouldn’t do anything to us.

So when we feel the urge, it seems like something is being taken away from us. This is why it is important to listen to her, to translate what she wants to tell us, to accept it and to take action. Yes, the ball is in our hands, not in foreign hands. The last person who can decide what to do with this unfinished dream is us. Let’s not forget that.

Pathological envy destroys us

It is true that we do not always have the means to make our dreams come true. But perhaps we can adapt them to our possibilities and constantly work to achieve them. That’s why sometimes it’s normal to feel that little pinch when you see that someone has achieved what we have not yet achieved. What makes us dizzy to want to achieve.

The problem arises when this urge becomes the central core of our interactions with others. When it dominates our relationships and we start to constantly compare ourselves to each other. That way, all we can do is decentralize our own existence, directing our critical gaze outward. A gaze focused on finding the failure, weakness or weakness of the other. A punitive attitude that does not forgive the happiness of others.

woman envying another

So the other ends up being someone to hate. According to our misfortune, our happiness and our happiness, our misery. A labyrinth of unease that revolves around the feeling of envy and has the power to blind us when it comes to finding a solution to what has happened.

Turn negative energy into positive

Faced with the trap of envy and the effect of negativity it generates, it becomes vital to transform this energy (directed at criticizing and looking for other “failures”) into positive energy to find what really makes us feel good. happy. Thus, all efforts to trace the exterior must be directed toward our interior.

It is only us to be our only measure. It is important to assume that the comparison is really unnecessary. Each human being is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Why compare us to others? We are not the same person, we have not experienced the same thing, we do not see the world in the same way …

woman hand on face exhausted

Each person is built in a different way. There will be people who are “better or worse” than us in a particular discipline and vice versa. This is something we have to come to terms with if we are not to get into the deadly game of comparisons.

One can be a calamity in mathematics, a subject which to another may seem extremely simple. But this latest era may not be as creative as the first era, which is an explosion of art and creativity. Each person shines with their own light.

As we see, living only in our own reality can focus on what we want to be and how we want to do it. Thus, the best ally to move forward is not the feeling of envy but acceptance. This support is able to propel us where we want and sometimes, makes the journey so much easier!


Comparisons are always hateful
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Each of us is unique and special. Find out how comparing ourselves to others is a useless way of pretending to be better alo …

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