The Three Tools Of Dilts To Transform Your Inner World

The three tools of Dilts to transform your inner world

“An idea is like a virus, it has you”. This sentence was spoken by a character from the film Origin , played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Curiously, it is to the taste of Robert Dilts, writer and specialist in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), and will be the basis of this article. Are you feeling dissatisfied with your reality and there is something wrong with your world? Perhaps a transformation in your interior could help.

We must not forget that once we assimilate ideas, experiences and situations, we internalize them and make them our own. Today we represent our own reality. According to our assimilations, our representations and our interpretations, we construct our own definition.

We all have a belief system that defines us and helps us to make our own representation of the world. According to this representation, we feel more or less concerned by an idea, an event or an act. However, just because something we don’t like is this or that way doesn’t mean it’s good. If we believe we can change for the better, we must try. This is where Robert Dilts’ neurological levels come in.

Dilts’ tools to transform your inner world

Robert Dilts offers a series of tools that can be very helpful to us in transforming our world. This writer and consultant, specialist in NLP, has disclosed a set of powerful ideas that can change the way we see reality and understand ourselves.

The enlargement of the point of view

It is a very human tendency to feel unique. We really are, but not everything that happens to us is exclusive. That is to say, many of the situations that we live in have already been experienced by other people. If we are able to work on empathy, we will gain perspective and understanding of our world, as well as the world around us.

That is, as a part of the world, we have to try to understand others and put ourselves in their shoes. Through this exercise of empathy, we will come to a much more enriching perspective for our being.

A problem is an opportunity

Want to keep rewriting your whole being? Turn every problem into an opportunity. Obviously it sounds easy to say, but not that easy to do. It is not impossible, however, and every day more people are doing it.

So, it all depends on how we interpret failure. We can be crushed by our own incapacity, but we also have the opportunity to learn from lived experience. In the latter case, it is important to realize how much the lessons learned can help us to improve ourselves.

Remember, if after a failure you think you are clumsy and useless: you are fabricating an idea that can turn into a virus. As it resonates in your mind, it will eventually become a reality for you. In this case, you will not learn anything from the lived experiences and you will feel like less than nothing.

“If you say: ‘I did something stupid but I’m a smart person’, you can feel good and learn from your mistake”

-Robert Dilts-

Enlargement of temporal vision

A great phrase attributed to several writers and authors reads the following: “The people who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it forever”. If we observe past and present reality as independent photos of each other, we will not be able to move forward.

In fact, Dilts advises viewing reality as a movie, not as fragments of a photo album. Everything that happens has a why and is generated by a particular situation. So if we continuously learn and stimulate our learning and skills, we will achieve great personal benefits. See your world as a whole, not as independent experiences.

Rewrite your whole being in ideas

Finally, Dilts offers a more optimistic view of the world. He considers that sentences such as “I am me” or “you are you” have enormous force. Depending on who is saying these sentences, one can take one personal path or another.

For example, if we say “I am useless”, we generate the idea that our brain is perforated. In this way, there is a big risk that we end up thinking that we are really useless. However, if we say “I am fantastic” we are establishing the idea that failure imprints character, optimism and well-being in us.

“Whenever we use the verb to be, we are using a very powerful word because we define something as if it is absolute truth throughout history and under all circumstances”.

-Robert Dilts-

This is how Dilts considers that we can rewrite our whole being. The power of ideas and thoughts is enormous. If we manage to use it in a positive way, it will all impact our own well-being. You already have the right tools, so will you dare to feel better?

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