Explore Your Dark Side To Regain Control Of Yourself

Explore your dark side to regain control of yourself

Do you have feelings you hate? Do things you’re ashamed to talk about? Is there a part of you that you would like to eliminate? Do you want things that you hate to recognize? We all have a dark side that we are afraid to confront. 

Your dark side is not borrowed from good intentions, from compromises, from things that you suppose need to be done. He is oppressed and he is growing in you because he is looking for a way out.

Exploring your dark side will allow you to regain control over yourself, to understand yourself and to know yourself.    


What does your dark side feed on? 

The dark side of your mind feeds on misery and self-destruction, all that you deny about yourself, and those desires that you fail to materialize.

Your unmet needs produce negative emotions that fuel them. If you fail to get these needs out, these negative emotions will grow inside you and it will bring out the worst in you.

Therefore, you will think that it is the true version of yourself or even that it is the only one.

Not feeding this dark part of your mind is the only way to control it.

However, there are a lot of things that you know you shouldn’t do because they are bad for you, but you do them anyway.

You know you shouldn’t smoke, you shouldn’t overdo fat, you shouldn’t argue with your spouse or kids, you shouldn’t fuel unnecessary arguments, but you do it anyway.

Your dark side is also not made with good intentions. Either you take action and stop feeding it, or it will take control over you.

What does your dark side need? 

To stop feeding your dark side, it is necessary that you know what appeals to him the most.

It feeds on negative psychological attachments, those feelings that force you to cling to a previous state that creates anxiety in you.

These negative attachments keep you from feeling safe, balanced, and strong. They express themselves through rejection, humiliation, betrayal, feelings of worthlessness and failure.


All of this negativity fuels the darker part of your psyche, which grows with your negative feelings, thoughts and behaviors, with the influence that toxic people have had on you and still have on you in your life.

Whenever something negative happens in your life or whenever you remember something that you don’t like, your dark side is put back in the spotlight, and it clings to that negativity as if there was no other possibility.

Therefore, more misery, self-destruction and negativity arise to fuel it.

How to deal with the dark side? 

The solution to dealing with the dark side of the mind is to train it in a conscious way.  There are things that we cannot eliminate but which we can deal with, by familiarizing ourselves with them.

The biggest challenge is to dig deep into his mind and bring to light all that is hiding there.

The dark side hides much more than unfulfilled desires, frustrated aspirations, or broken illusions. But only each person can dive in and explore their dark side.

Whenever negativity arises in your life, and you feel that something dark is trying to take power over you, then you have to find out why, without being ashamed.

You have to accept that there is a dark side of your mind that is present, and that it cannot go up in smoke just because you will suppress it. The crackdown will make him even stronger, and he will explode with more force as soon as he gets the chance.

Be brave, be honest with yourself, and try to release this negativity from you.


Meditation, and coaching can help. Through art, you can also get the worst out of your mind, by channeling this negativity.

By knowing what your dark side is hiding, you can regain control of your life and learn how to better deal with negativity so that it does not dominate you.

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