What Does Respect Involve In A Relationship?

Respect is the basis of a healthy relationship.
What does respect involve in a relationship?

We all agree, theoretically, that respect is essential in a relationship. N e neglect but often behaviors that are completely harmful in our relationships.

This may be so because attachment to our spouse prevents us from seeing reality. Or maybe we haven’t taken the time to think about all that respect for others entails. Regardless, we are often recipients or performers of actions that give rise to a lack of respect for the person with whom we share our life. 

We invite you to reflect and understand what this attitude implies on a daily basis. Let us also remember that without respect there is no love. At least no healthy love.

A relationship where respect is violated.

What does respect involve in a relationship?

I respect you as a human being

This is the most basic level that needs to be present in all of our social interactions. This includes treating each other with the education and consideration that every human being deserves.

It would not occur to us to yell at, insult or hurt our colleagues or a store employee. However, we often allow ourselves the right to have this kind of behavior with our partner.

Overconfidence does not in any way justify resorting to physical or verbal violence. It is in no way lawful to raise your voice or to humiliate another person. Even less if it is the being we love the most. Let us not make the mistake of normalizing these acts within the framework of the dynamics of the relationship of couple because they constitute only a lack of respect.

I respect your personality

Healthy love does not unite two identical people, but two people who understand and respect each other’s differences. Many people, when they have been in a relationship for a while, start to try to change the tastes, opinions or way of being of the other. They don’t realize that by doing this they are not respecting the essence of the other.

When we met our partner, we fell in love with precisely those qualities that make him unique. Why, then, now want to change what it is? Each person has the right to develop their own preferences, thoughts, hobbies and to maintain them  when entering into a relationship.

The goal is not symbiosis. There is no need to merge and become one undifferentiated being. It is much healthier and more rewarding to admire n ur partner for what it is, share and learn from each other.

I respect your emotions

This is one of the aspects that we most often overlook. We acquire the responsibility and commitment to take care of our partner’s emotions when we are in a relationship.

Each person is responsible for their own happiness and well-being. N e must still learn to understand and to respect a way to have other r Essent ent things when we interact with others.

It may be that one of the couple is more sensitive and the other colder. Let one be more curious and the other have a greater tendency to avoid conflicts. That one is more inclined to dialogue and the other needs more to think alone. These differences can cause problems if the other’s style is not respected.

Both must work together to find a common emotional point. The curious person should respect the other’s need to be alone after a conflict. But, in the same way, the cold or elusive person must understand that dialogue is essential.

It  must in any case accept the emotional style of the other. It is essential to validate the emotions of the spouse and to try to be empathetic even in times of crisis.

Respect between partners is essential.

The environment as a fundamental element of respect in a relationship

Finally, it should be understood that  anyone who tries to n e isolate person s that n ou love n e disrespect. Our family and friends are an important part of who we are. They bring us support, understanding and health. Our partner must therefore respect them and respect our relationship with them.

They don’t have to like each other or get along. This is not controllable. However, it is essential that there is respect on both sides.

A co njoint insulting and critical n bones close, trying to nou s away, is dangerous. It is therefore necessary to make an effort to understand the people who are important to our partner.


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