The Three Best Foods For Your Self-esteem

The three best foods for your self-esteem

Lack of self-esteem is at the root of most feelings of unease. It is also the source of endless conflicts and bad decisions in life. It is a deficiency that leads to performing a myriad of aimless actions, such as constantly trying to test yourself or others, painfully seek approval, or turn ailments into a battlefield.

Love is based on three essential pillars: respect, care and knowledge. Respect implies acceptance and appreciation. If you respect something, that translates into the fact that you don’t have to continually question it, criticize it, or try to change it. You just accept that this thing is the way it is, and you put up with it that way. In other words, you reaffirm it.

When it comes to caring, that means bonding with what you love in a way that emphasizes its growth and retention. Both respect and care are closely linked to knowledge: you cannot respect something that you do not know, nor can you take care of it and help it to grow if you do not know in which direction its evolution is going. .

“Loving yourself is the start of an adventure that lasts a lifetime”

-Oscar Wilde-

When there is self-esteem, there is also self-respect, self-care in the broadest sense, and self-knowledge. When there is none, we navigate in the uncertainty of ignorance of ourselves and ignorance of the direction we are taking. People also doubt their thoughts, feelings and actions: you question your mistakes hard and feel that you should be different in order to live well. In short, it is like experiencing an inner storm that never stops. When it does, then it’s time to nurture self-esteem. We are going to give you three key actions to follow in order for you to achieve this.


Learn to look at yourself kindly to fuel your self-esteem

It is likely that at some point in your life you were convinced that there was “something wrong” in you. You may have been educated in a way where your mistakes were always very careful or given too much importance. You may have gotten used to looking at yourself from this perspective: focusing on your mistakes and minimizing your efforts and successes.

It is important that you know a secret:  A clear sign of lack of self-esteem is precisely this need not only to criticize yourself but also to question and disqualify others. So, whoever has pointed the finger at you or is currently doing so is not getting along very well with themselves.

Learn to overcome this conditioning. Break the chain of thoughts that cause you to put yourself down over and over again. Here is your task: for every mistake or flaw that you find, you must find two virtues. Try to look at yourself kindly and you will learn to love yourself.

Striving to be better increases your self-esteem

We are all worthy of respect and appreciation, only because we belong to the human race. Never forget it. Also, remember that  the healthiest way to value what you are doing is through conscious effort.

Effort is a powerful food for self-esteem. Without you realizing it, it gives you a feeling of dignity which translates into respect for your person and your actions. When you take the simpler path, the exact opposite happens: you devalue what you get and, therefore, what you are.


Making an effort does not mean going against your own wishes or doing violence to yourself to achieve your goals. It’s referring more to the tenacity  you put into doing something freely, to get it done right and completely. It may mean questioning your will at some point, but at the same time you are being rewarded with a growing sense of self-worth.

Understand those who underestimate you

You will never be able to be happy or comfortable with yourself if you remain dependent on the opinions of others. This doesn’t particularly mean that someone wants to hurt you with their opinions (although it does sometimes happen) but that a judgment made on you can hardly be crafted with enough evidence to account for it.

Do you think that others spend hours and hours wondering about you before expressing an opinion about you? This is certainly not the case. Many people act mechanically and say sentences lightly. For a review to be considered, it should be very detailed and deep.

Think about the fact that you may not be satisfying this person’s needs or opinions, and that’s why they are questioning you. Ultimately,  the problem is more with that person than with yourself. Your duty in life is not to adjust to what other people want, but to create your own path. This path and this process is unique and very often it will not please others. You need to know that this is normal and happens to all of us.


One of the consequences of self-esteem is precisely that it generates the acceptance and appreciation of others. Anyone who loves themselves elicits a natural respect and self-esteem in those around them. Loving yourself is a task that you must do that will give you greater satisfaction than anything else in life.

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