5 Keys To Finding A Job

5 keys to finding a job

Have you ever had to look for work? Today, work is a precious commodity, a kind of insurance of subsistence in the absence of a steep slope on the shore. Moreover, it is because the vacancies are lower than the demand, that the candidates for any position generally outnumber the number of vacant positions offered.

Looking for a job is also beneficial for our health. It has long been known that there is a negative relationship between unemployment and health. This relationship is supported by an extensive scientific bibliography. On the psychological level, work is a very precious area for achieving self-fulfillment and also for relating to others.

The effects of unemployment on health

The latest publications on the subject emphasize that unemployment can be very harmful to our health (physical and mental). Here are some of the negative effects of a chronic job search when someone is not working:

An increase in mortality

There are a number of publications that link unemployment to increased general mortality. Thus, it has been pointed out that the risk of death, whatever the cause, increases by 63% among the unemployed in the United States.


The link between unemployment and rising suicide rates has long been well established. Unemployment appears to be one of the risk factors for suicide in a large global study. A recent study shows that a 3% increase in unemployment in Europe will be accompanied by a 4.45% increase in the number of suicide deaths.

A poor perception of our health

Analysis of the results of self-reported health surveys also suggests that unemployment affects people’s perceptions of their health. A study assessing self-rated health in Italian regions found that regions with less healthy populations coincided with regions with higher unemployment.

look for a job and face unemployment

Poor mental health

Mental health problems are another condition associated with unemployment. Thus, among the unemployed, the presence of mood disorders would increase. Sadly, depression tops the list in this regard.

An increase in alcohol consumption

Unemployment is the trigger for many addictions, the spark that ignites the fuse. The person seeks to escape their own situation, with which they do not feel good, thus becoming more vulnerable to stimuli that offer a rapid adrenaline rush, such as gambling, or that alter the perception of reality, such as alcohol.

A study conducted in the United States shows that alcohol consumption is increasing among the unemployed. According to a European study, a 3% increase in unemployment will lead to a 28% increase in the number of deaths from alcoholism. As we see, these are just a few representative examples of the harmful effects of unemployment on our health. Therefore, it seems beneficial for our health to find work. But to find work, you first have to look for it.

5 keys to finding a job

One can imagine the search for work as the construction of a building. Where are we going to start building it? It seems obvious that we have to start from scratch. If we don’t build a good foundation or a good foundation, the building could collapse.

When it comes to looking for a job, the basis is getting to know yourself. To answer questions such as: “What can we offer?”, “Why would someone want to hire us?”. Having clear answers will allow us to look in the right place and make clear and interesting proposals to companies, at the same time we will have the keys to complete our training or reorient ourselves while we are looking.

Get to know yourself

To get to know each other better at work, we can do a simple exercise. This exercise will help us to know ourselves better and to know where we can improve.

The exercise consists of writing down our strengths and weaknesses on a piece of paper. Examples of strengths: “I am organized”, “I like to listen to others”, “I concentrate easily”, etc. The same strengths become weaknesses if we don’t have them.

look for a job and go through writing

Work on your attitude

It is not easy to find work. Sometimes you feel like you are moving forward, but you are going back. Not giving up is fundamental. The positive attitude is acquired little by little and in our own way we will find ups and downs.

It is very important to avoid negative thoughts, to smile, to value the little things… In addition, it is also important not to compare yourself to others. You are a unique and wonderful being.

Show perseverance

They say that “whoever follows it, gets it”. This is especially true when it comes to looking for work. And it is that any goal we want to achieve requires effort. The effort requires tenacity, constancy, insistence …

If we persevere, we will feel better about ourselves. One thing that helps to persevere is to remind yourself every now and then of the perks you will get when you find a job.

Be patient

Not being patient is bad for our mental health. Impatience can generate great frustration and we can fall into a spiral of pessimism.

Patience training has multiple benefits. If we are patient in our search for work, we will persist in our efforts and the goal will always be closer.

look for a job and go through job interviews


Planning is as important as patience and persistence. They say job hunting is a job in itself… and every job requires planning.

There is no point in implementing many unrelated actions, as they will certainly not lead to the desired results. We need to build a method around finding work, in which order and planning work in our favor.

And that’s where the five keys to finding a job come in. Obviously there are many more, but if you put these five elements into practice, you will be one step closer to finding a job. In this sense, it is true that often what matters is to be in the right place at the right time, to meet someone in a company looking for workers. Therefore, social relations are an important point in the job search.

In that sense, leave the shame behind and share your interest in finding a job with people you know in the industry. Even today, many positions are filled in this way, so they are not even put out to tender. Companies are looking for good people, but also and often they put it first, they are looking for people they can trust, who are recommended to them.

Finally, if you find yourself looking for a job, wish yourself all the luck in the world!


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