It’s Worth Fighting For What’s Worth Having

It's worth fighting for what's worth having

It is worth laughing at nonsense and even, from time to time, serious things. The feeling that all is well and the feeling of chaos are two feelings that are worth experiencing, at least once a day.

The person who has done you a service or the person who has lived the worst days of their life and who makes you pay,  these two people deserve to be listened to and understood. 

This is because the more love we need, the worse we behave with others.

The person who constantly talks about his problems must have the right to receive questions. Our body deserves a walk after having been quiet for several hours, patiently waiting for its turn to arrive.

The air, the sun, the wind or the rain deserve recognition because they turn to us every day to caress our faces and put us in contact with nature, even if we hide between buildings so tall that ‘they do not allow us to take full advantage of it.


Our dream deserves an opportunity, that famous dream that we keep in a small wooden box, believing that it contains the key that would allow us to truly get closer to the person we want to be.

It is not bad to be aware of what in reality we are giving in exchange for money, because it is neither work nor know-how, it is time, which will never come back. .

Thus, we will die while having the opportunity to be able to resuscitate every moment … even if others apply to condemn us and to remind us of our mistakes to hurt us. We all deserve to live our lives.

It pays to be smart about how we are going to use our time and how we are going to spend our money. 



People who help and give words of support also deserve help, at least those who believe that all is not lost and that drowning humanity can find a solution, despite the barbarities that have been committed.

People who have taken a step in the right direction deserve recognition, even if they represent a tiny part of the population. Remember that if they reach us, they will be much wiser and stronger than us.

Everyone’s ideas deserve respect, and especially those of people who have been alive for a longer time, because they have experience and talk about science. Remember that a person is born collecting small pieces from others.

Surprises are worth living because this moment cannot be compared to a lot of things. Of course, it is worth preparing them because one always wonders how to do to achieve something that will cause a big smile in the other.

A good song, a good book, a beautiful setting, a good film, allow us to always have with us a story that we love, and that makes us laugh, cry, hate or love.

Our indignation, even redundant, is worth it because we must fight against people who feel in a position to decide the lives of others, preventing them from expressing themselves freely in the face of terror and threat.

Forgiveness deserves to be there, and especially the person who regrets, rather than the person who thinks it but does not say it.

The first intends not to start over while the second has a misplaced pride that we should all get rid of.

Everyday heroes deserve to live in order to hold strong the structure of the extraordinarily fragile world, in the face of the capacity that we have acquired, of destruction and evil.

Main image by danilag


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