If Life Brings Changes, Let Them Be Good

If life brings change, let it be good

I am not afraid of the changes that life brings to me, I want to breathe, I want to have confidence and accept without resistance to avoid suffering, because in my daily life, I want stars that guide me on the path of happiness.

This is what we all want, without a doubt. But saying out loud that we are not afraid of changes is not so obvious because in a way we are all in uncertainty and even worse, we are subject to variations that we have no control over and that life brings with it. 

If you want your life to change, don’t just sit there, because your existence will never change if you don’t change: the gear that sets the magic of existence in motion is always within you.

We are sure that wherever you are in your life, you have already had to deal with more than one change. Some have arrived unexpectedly, and others have been initiated by you, out of need.

And all of this is good, because the only thing we need to be afraid of is that at some point we didn’t have the courage to make the necessary change.

The fact of not daring to say yes to such and such a proposal, of not having made such and such a trip, of having given everything for someone… All of this sometimes appears in our mind as doors that we have never dared open, and which have locks to which we will never have the keys again.

Changes are reversals of meaning on the path of our life, which sometimes appear out of the blue or which arise to test us.

If changes come, let them at least allow me to grow


This is the real good one we should all have: any change is the opportunity to grow, and depending on how we accept it, we will end up with something more or less positive.

It is clear, moreover, that sometimes the changes are traumatic : a loss, a failure, a betrayal … But our attitude and our inner strength is the key that allows us to cross the doors of the path of our life with more dignity. and integrity, always obtaining more wisdom.

  • Whoever resists change remains in a space between two worlds where the past is on one side and suffering on the other.
  • We can’t get stuck in the memory of a failed relationship, or mourn for years the loss of a loved one.
    We must move forward, allow ourselves to suffer a little less each day until the memory is a quiet tribute to someone who is no more, while also rediscovering the dreams that we pursue in life.
  • Adapting to change is actually something human being. We could say that genetically, we are predisposed to change in order to improve ourselves, to discover new skills, new contexts, new skills …

In reality, it is a question of “knowing how to let ourselves be carried away”, if we remain attached to the memory, to the fear or to this comfort zone, we will only get personal frustration.

So, if changes occur, have faith in yourself: this is an opportunity to grow.


The winds of change give impetus to my wings

We are afraid of things that are beyond what we know, of variations that take us away from our center, from our daily life, because it is like losing control and letting ourselves fall into the ocean of the unpredictable.

While it is obvious that we are all afraid of enjoying a serene existence where happiness is almost guaranteed, none of this can happen if you do not first learn to accept the changes and even to, promote them.

Because we are often faced with the obligation to “turn the page”, to move forward, to take care of our emotional health or to improve our professional life.

Life is an eternal change where we learn to “let ourselves be carried away” by the influx that we have seen fit to create.

To do this, take the following into account:

  • Face emotional resistance: Understand your emotions and understand that fear only ends with the chains at your feet. Transform your worries into security, convince yourself that turning the page will bring you personal improvements.
  • Change your thoughts and you will change your reality. It’s that easy, you just have to see it differently. Everything changes and you have already initiated the gears, you have ignited the magic.
  • Focus on the positives, avoid falling into the negatives, and believe in your dreams. If you want good things to happen in your life, think about it, focus on your horizon to be your daily guide.

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