The Heart Of The Onion, A Story About Justice

Discover this story about justice that explains why it is important to learn to observe nature and be guided by its cycles, instead of intervening, which causes great imbalances.
The heart of the onion, a story about justice

Heartily, this justice story goes back a long time ago, when nothing had a name and things were still being created. The gods came together and agreed to create a noble and pleasant garden for all human beings, also created recently.

At that time, the gods had a special attachment to the greatest of their works. That’s why they wanted to give him this special gift. They believed they could create a flavor that would enhance the taste of human foods and dishes. So they looked for a vegetable that could be incorporated into most of their recipes; this is how they had the idea of ​​conceiving the onion.

At first, the gods only noticed its taste. So they made a compact fruit, very different from what we know today.  It was sweet and tasted delicious. It combined very well with almost any food. The humans were delighted when they began to see it in their gardens, as at first it appeared spontaneously.

The reign of the onion

Quickly, onions invaded the orchards. There were varieties of it in different colors, and all onions were considered a real gem of nature. The humans were delighted with it; no matter what they ate, the presence of the onion always gave a special touch to their dishes.

The fame of onions was such that in a very short time, production reached levels unimaginable today. The onion plantation therefore began to spiral out of control. There were so many orchards full of onion groves that humans forgot about other plants. So many other fruits and vegetables began to disappear.

Then came a time when  the quantity of onions was such that the Men began to uproot the roots which they had yet planted with such enthusiasm.


The end of the onions

Faced with the attitude of humans, the gods decided to intervene. They sent a great plague, which wiped out all the onions that were on the earth.  Humans then resumed cultivating other plants, but many of them could not manage to forget the delicious flavor of this vegetable which had generated so much commotion.

A lot of foods didn’t seem to taste the same as before. The gods then realized that human beings were capricious and unstable. They didn’t know what to do with the great gifts from heaven. If they were few, they wanted more. And if there were a lot of them, they looked down on them. The gods did not understand why humans acted like this.

Humans, in any case, were repentant. They begged the gods to send back this delicious vegetable that they had loved so much. On Mount  Olympus, they had kept some onions in memory of this episode. Seeing that the humans were so sad, they decided to give them a second chance.

A story about justice

The gods were going to send several onions back to humans and allow them to be planted again. However, those in heaven who had loved this vegetable were terrified. They feared that once again the wayward humans would develop a true obsession with onions and eventually eliminate them. The god of wisdom then realized that this might be a good opportunity to teach humans a lesson. They had to learn to appreciate what the sky was sending them and how to deal with it intelligently.

The next day, humans found small bulbs in their gardens. They looked like onions, but they were too small. So small that they didn’t dare pick them up, because they thought they would grow bigger. A few weeks passed and then, one day, everyone saw the little bulbs covered with a new layer, a layer that made them look bigger. Humans then commented to think that these little balls could constitute a new type of onion.


The onions continued to fill with layers, until they found the constitution that Men knew. They were all very happy. However, when they were cut up and cooked, they found that the onions were not the same as before; they didn’t look compact and, in addition, they had several layers.

In addition, when cut, the onion gave off an irritating liquid. Indeed, it was important to remember the massacre that had taken place;  that’s why anyone who chopped an onion now had to cry. Humans had to remember forever that everything that exists in nature has a value, so that life can be given as we know it.


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