These People Who Live In Permanent Indecision

These people who live in permanent indecision

“I do what I do because it is what I have to do”. Perhaps you have heard this phrase many times before and it is obvious that it spells out one of the most powerful human reasons for action: duty. A powerful reason that allows us to set in motion in the face of permanent indecision, which can grow seeds of lack of motivation and disinterest.

The pacifist leader Indira Gandhi once said that “one cannot be a prisoner of indecision because in it all the doors are open”. A sentence that forgets a premise that was then demonstrated in psychology: the increase in the number of options increases indecision. An indecision which, moreover, can lead us to unpleasant lands. Inaction, in the long run, is not a good advisor, and we’ll show you why.

Your reality is full of decisions

Maybe one day you managed to finish your studies. At some point in your life, you had children, got married, or decided not to share your world with your partner. At one point, you had to choose between a job or a friend … All these decisions which, in a way, are part of your reality today, shape your current world. If you don’t believe it, imagine what your world would be like if you hadn’t made all of these decisions. Think about what your life would be like if all of these transcendent actions had been taken by people other than you.

We would now like to bring you another idea; what happens after a decision is made? Imagine if your mind turned into a hot tub where bubbles are all the decisions you could have made? Take an example: a young person who decided to study psychology, how would he feel if he constantly focused his attention on critical thoughts: my career is not practical, there is too much unemployment and not enough compensation.

What if we live in permanent indecision?

To answer the questions posed here, it is interesting to look at the theories of Anthony Robbins. The famous speaker and coach puts it simply, saying that “lack of clarity, more than anything else, is the main cause of people’s failure”. When Robbins talks about failure, he is not referring to a job or business that is not performing well. When this coach talks about failure, he says that if we do not make decisions easily, we will fail in everything, whether in a relationship of friendship, a life as a couple, a project, a dream …

So, Robbins asks a question: what is it that makes us unable to make decisions? To this question, he provides interesting answers. We offer them to you:

The fear of being criticized

One of the responses the coach finds to living in permanent indecision is fear of criticism. As social beings, we often think that doing this or that will not please other people.

“If we are influenced by the opinions of others, we end up having no desire of our own”

-Napoleon Hill-

You should know that in the world, 7 billion people live and each has their own unique and personal opinion. So obviously what you are doing is not going to appeal to a lot of people! But there will be some who will be drawn to who you are. So what other people think should never be a reason for inaction. In fact, the Mexican millionaire Carlos Slim expresses it with a concise phrase: “when you live for the opinion of others, you are dead”.

The fear of failing

Another big reason, according to Robbins, why we settle into permanent inaction, is the fear of failure. So the anticipation of failure is what keeps people from taking action.

But in reality, what is failure? Is it the opposite of success? No, it is not. We must learn to cohabit with him, because throughout our life we ​​will make mistakes and we will often fail. However, we will also learn important lessons that will help us to try again, with more desire and knowledge.

For Robbins, to truly fail means not to try. We fail when we don’t learn or when we don’t get up. According to him, the real mistake would be not to persevere, not to learn, not to take care of every detail, not to take human failure into account when planning things, not to put all the chances of success. our side etc.

“If you don’t act on life, life will act on you.”

-Robin Sharma-

This is why Robbins concludes that permanent indecision is a serious mistake. Standing still leads us to mediocrity, fear and infidelity. Sometimes we will triumph, other times we will not. But that a bad relationship or a business doesn’t mean it will always be so: the past influences the future but does not determine it. So, stop making excuses for yourself, make decisions and put the odds in your favor to enjoy the path, whatever your fate may be.

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