Circumstances Are Powerful, But You Are Even More Powerful

Circumstances are powerful, but you are even more so

Very often, circumstances absorb us in such a way that we end up having a hard time finding a way out of the problems they create. Let us not forget that, beyond our environment, we have the power to change our mind. What we think and believe about our life greatly determines how we feel.

For example, if you think you are going to be able to overcome a difficulty, you will most likely overcome it. We are, at least in part, the result of our decisions and the actions that accompany those decisions.

So  circumstances can show you a starting point: from there – and, often, long before – we have the power to start making decisions. You are more than your circumstances, be sure. Your personal power is immense, you just need to connect with your interior so that the strength and coherence accompany your steps.

The power of beliefs

Beliefs are preconceived ideas that we acquire as we grow older. These beliefs seep into you at the unconscious level. So there is only one way you can design your world: through your mind map. And it is true that the map of our world sometimes becomes cloudy and prevents us from seeing the light that we carry within us.

man with cloud instead of head

Phrases repeated so often like  “I can’t do it, I’m not going to make it, I don’t deserve to be happy”…  make us disconnect from our abilities, or from faith in our abilities, when we have to face complicated situations. Very often this marks the beginning of chronic dissatisfaction which seriously affects our emotional well-being.

Negative beliefs are very limiting because they destroy our dreams and passions. Changing the way we think is up to us; the first step is to be determined to want to get better.

Self-esteem helps you overcome the toughest obstacles

Good self-esteem is the starting point for transforming our thoughts and emotions. Do not wait for others to give us affection that we do not give to ourselves. How else are we going to recover or maintain our internal power? It is not possible to transform our mind if we do not believe in ourselves.

Instead of telling each other: –  I’m useless, it’s not enough, I’ll never succeed…,  let’s try to change our language and start communicating with words that motivate, for example:  I accept myself as -the who I am, I am capable of it, I love myself deeply, I can achieve my goals…  Thus, we will be more able to look at the world with a glimmer of hope.

For example, if you are in a relationship that makes you feel unhappy, why keep harboring something in your life that is hurting you? You may think that you are unable to end this relationship because you wouldn’t know what to do without this person, or because you have children or are having financial difficulties. But if you don’t change what you don’t like, who will?

Circumstances can do nothing against you

Life always gives us good news and bad news. We can also go through grief, death, situations that we consider to be deeply unjust. But despite the traumatic or difficult situations we may have to go through,  we have the capacity to recover and come out of them grown up. This is called resilience.

If we are resilient people, it means that we dare to look inside and know each other honestly. We are also able to look pain in the eyes. Instead of avoiding it, we can, after a certain process, accept it and transform it to learn from it. If you don’t recognize yourself in this description, don’t worry. The good thing is that resilience is a characteristic that you can learn and practice, until you get better.

One of the most important aspects of resilience is flexibility. A flexibility which improves our possibilities of adaptation to adverse circumstances. Thus, circumstances do not have to lock us in us; we can be vulnerable, let go of our pain, and seek emotional support. Instead of putting a bandage on our wounds, we can choose to let them heal through acceptance.

happy woman despite the circumstances

Start with goals you can achieve, then get where you want to go

If there’s one task smart people do well, it’s setting realistic challenges: not simple, but achievable. Challenges which require an expenditure of energy, but which do not exhaust them. Which suppose an effort, but not wasted time. To do this, they divide the path that leads to the set objective into smaller goals. These are stopping points: they take the opportunity to regain strength and assess the most important aspects of the next step, in case they need to make any adjustments.

Being able to count on good self-esteem and a strong self-concept helps us to increase our leeway over what happens to us. If we believe that we are able to overcome the situation, we will take the lead and not let the random circumstances decide for us. And, on the contrary, if we do not feel efficient, it will be easier for us to follow the direction of the wind.

If we believe in our ability to effect change and take action, we will see new horizons emerge, with changes that will give us the opportunity to  renew and grow emotionally. If we set goals incrementally, do things that make us feel good, and stop thinking about what others expect of us, we can take advantage of our personal power again.


I am me, my circumstances and my decisions define me
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The product of our decisions is conditioned by us and by our most stable party, but also by the peculiarities of the moment and the place …


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