Persistence Is The Breath Of Dreams

Nothing in the world takes the place of persistence, not even talent. It is the quality which gives consistency to the character, the quality which goes hand in hand with the successes. Persistence is able to build a bridge between our conscious mind and our subconscious, and when that happens, we have a direct royal road to success. Modulated, of course, by other variables, such as the intelligence of the management of this will.

In life, it’s normal for goals not to be achieved on the first try. First of all, there is a path full of obstacles in front of you. As we develop this persistence, we find alternative solutions and we see each obstacle as an experience. We then change perspective and gain the opportunity to learn from her.

Often times, we have the tools to achieve our goals, but we fail because we lack that willpower or persistence. Willpower training reduces the execution rate of negative impulses from 70% to 17%. A University of Chicago study, carried out by psychologist Wilhem Hofmann, demonstrated that when people give in to a desire or impulse, they execute it approximately 70% of the time, whereas when they oppose it with this force of will, they execute it only 17% of the time. “That is to say, showing willpower slows down more than 80% of unwanted impulses , explains the specialist.

The lack of will means that when we have to make a decision, we tend to listen to the immediate. We only think about the benefits present, we ignore the circumstances and we do not go beyond our instincts.

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. “

-Napoleon Hill-

Difficulties make us stronger and better

Falls and fits are inevitable. The problems we face, with varying degrees of frequency, provide opportunities for personal growth. They motivate us to acquire resources and skills as a means to find a solution. Often, it is they who take us out of our comfort zone and present us with inevitable challenges that, by our own will, we would never present ourselves.

So, in order to face these situations, it is important to view the problems as opportunities and not as problems. The best coping styles are those that keep us active, help us define the root cause of the problem and identify what needs to be done to fix it.

The only thing we can really control is how we respond to difficulties. Each time we do this in a positive and constructive way, we become stronger, and we are able to better cope with the problem or crisis that arises in our life. Epictetus, a philosopher of the Stoic school, wrote: “Circumstances do not make man. They reveal it to himself. ”

“Maybe you face many defeats, but you will never be defeated. In fact, maybe you need to face these defeats to know who you are, how you can get up and how you can get out of here. ”

-Maya Angelou-

Dreams come true

One of the great secrets of success is the education of the mind to resist. Before reaching many goals, we find stones on the way: they can make us back down or generate disillusionment by moving us away from our mission. Not surrendering, when we have made a conscious decision not to surrender, is the key to making our dreams come true.

The courage to persist in the face of adversity and disillusionment is the quality responsible for more success. The will is part of this “assistant” intelligence which, well managed, can bring us many interests. So management is essential. There will be certain challenges that we will have to abandon because we will not be able to reach them or because it will be better to postpone them a little in time.

In order for our dreams to be fulfilled, we have to become that type of person who educates his will to follow his conscious decision to persist, to continue, despite the varied and intense temptations that appear along the way. So we will always find a way to continue until we reach our goal.

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle in which we arrive. ”

-Bill Bradley-

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