The 21 Best Quotes About Motivation

The 21 best quotes about motivation

Every day of our lives, we ask ourselves this essential question: What’s the best way to motivate myself and stay motivated?

People who are able to master the art of motivation  have great possibilities of achieving authentic and incredible results,  just like making dreams come true for our hearts.

The realization of these dreams then fills us with an inner peace.

Behind every success story, there is always a human being who has understood the nature of the motivation process.

With this understanding, he gains an essential advantage when it comes to producing results in his daily life.

Let me share with you a big secret: the essence of motivation is found in the word itself.

Motivation is just about finding a reason to start and taking action.

When you have a reason important and powerful enough for your soul, favorable situations begin to occur.

Therefore, and delighted to be able to bring you an essential and incredible tool so that you do not stop having the motivation to enjoy the life you have always dreamed of today,

In this article we are going to share with you 21 phrases that will motivate you to keep moving forward, in order to enjoy the life you have always dreamed of. You will only stop to gain momentum.

1. “Never surrender trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, nothing can go wrong ”(Ella Fitzgerald)

2. “In two words I can sum up what I have learned about life: Moving forward ” (Robert Frost)

3. “I believe in luck a lot. And I have found that the more I work, the luckier I get. ” (Thomas Jefferson)

4. “ If you fall seven times, get up eight times ” (Japanese proverb)

5. “ The difference between winning and losing is that it’s often about not giving up ” (Walt Disney)

6. “Never throw in the towel. Use it to wipe your face and keep moving ”

7. ”Chase your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere” (Sasha Cohen)

8. “Even the darkest night will end with the sunrise” (Victor Hugo)

9. “Our greatest glory is not never to fall, but to rise up after each fall” (Confucius)

10. “ The only place where ‘success’ comes before ‘work’ is in the dictionary ” (Vincent Lombardi)

11. “The secret to moving forward is to start” (Mark Twain)

12. “ It’s hard to fail, but it’s even worse never to have tried to succeed ” (Theodore Roosevelt)

13. “It always seems impossible until it is done” (Nelson Mandela)

14. “ It is difficult to outdo a person who never gives up ” (Babe Ruth)

15. “Your situation may not be to your liking, but it should not remain the same if you form an ideal and strive to achieve it” (James Allen)

16. “We do not go forward to celebrate successes, but to have overcome failures” (Orison Swett Marden)

17. “ I’m ready to go anywhere, as long as it’s ahead ” (Dr Livingstone)

18. “Listen to your inner voice and keep moving forward, even if people tell you you can’t” (Mary Lou Cook)

19. “ Don’t count the days, make the days count ” (Muhammad Ali)

20. ”Face your path with courage, do not be afraid of criticism from others. And above all, do not be paralyzed by your own criticisms “(Paulo Coelho)

21. “Never complain about the environment or those around you. Some people around you have been successful in overcoming their problems. Circumstances are good or bad depending on the will or the strength of your heart ”

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