People Without Filters: Misunderstood Sincerity

People without filters: sincerity misunderstood

People without filters don’t know how to inhibit their feelings, thoughts, or emotions. Therefore, they  release whatever comes to their mind, without thinking about the consequences of what they share. They often hide behind their incorruptible sincerity, but beware! We should not confuse the truth with judging others in an unpleasant way, without merit, and without anyone asking our opinion first.

It is true that any lasting personal relationship is based on sincerity. Being honest means saying what we mean, but with respect, love and in the right context. For example, if we don’t like our best friend’s new haircut, it’s better to tell him “all the cuts look good on you, but the one before made you look better”, rather than oppose it. categorically an “I don’t like it at all, I preferred the other cut”. These are two ways of saying the same thing, but one can bring expectations to sensitivities and the other can even encourage.

They talk and then think

People without filters do not sift through their thinking. They release their truth, then see the extent of the consequences. If they harm others, they hide behind what they see as their main virtue: always telling the truth. They are adults who do not doubt their word and who take sincerity to extreme levels. When an embarrassing situation arises, they will make it even more uncomfortable.

As a result, they rarely bite their tongue and usually do not stay silent. They are generally very active, boast of their extraversion and cannot stand silences. And if they are confronted with it, they don’t let them go on, they break them up by saying the first thing that crosses their mind.

people without filters

Appreciated and hated at the same time

However, when we need a friend to tell us things clearly, we always turn to them. We sometimes  his damental to listen to someone tell us what the majority thinks really. And, in such assumptions, people without filters are valued, mainly because the rest of the group generally trusts their honesty.

But if, on the contrary, faced with a delicate and painful moment, they do not measure their words, they can really turn out to be odious. They tend to wiggle the knife into the wound. Therefore, as we see, their  sin cérite is highly valued in some cases, but much feared in others.

They are generally very radical in their decisions

There are no half measures for people without filters. Either everything is white or everything is black. They also seek to make it so for others; they do not understand that it could be otherwise. They openly express their point of view, without fear of what others may think. They grow  Ega LEMENT others to express  their position  with the same sincerity And as soon as possible. Others are sort of forced to say something that without this pressure they wouldn’t say.

They have the last word

If you ever try to come up with a plan, get those without filters to agree with you. Because, unfortunately, they tend to have the final say in the decisions that are made. And  if they are not satisfied, they show their disagreement and try to get everyone to take their side . They are generally proficient in manipulation to the extent that they are skilled in social environments. It is good to make allies of them, since they are formidable enemies.

people without filters

How to act with them?

Shy people often fear them. They will remain silent in the face of their inclemencies and take responsibility for any decision that those without filters make for them. Therefore, to avoid such intimidation, it  is necessary to engage in an exercise of supreme diplomacy.

People without filters don’t pay too much attention to detail. Their attention tends to focus very quickly on what is important to them. This is why  making them believe that they are the last word in a decision  is a very effective strategy; although it was actually someone else who had made the said decision before and by implication.

It is also important to make them see that a conversation is disturbing us  or that we do not want to do something that they more or less force us to do. It is not a question of avoiding contact with them, but rather of  confronting them, with respect and moderation. For example, “I think this is not the best time to talk about it, we will talk about it at another time”. “It is better that I think about it calmly and then communicate my decision to you”.

It is not advisable to get down to their level as this would lead to an escalation of atrocities commonly known as “sincerity”. Something like dying while killing, through misunderstood sincerity.

A person always performs a preliminary exercise before speaking. This lasts for a few milliseconds, but it is essential to assess what we are going to say. If our words do not bring anything pleasant or good, it is better to be silent. Because the absence of words is sometimes better and more rewarding than a totally inappropriate sentence.

Affective inhibition has consequences
Our thoughts Our thoughts


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