21 Fantastic Quotes From Jorge Luis Borges

21 fantastic quotes from Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges left us many phrases and wonderful passages through his works. This Argentine writer still leaves us speechless today and will of course continue to do so, because his works are timeless.

Lover of the short story rather than the novel: “He didn’t like it. He said that in a novel, cups of tea, hats of young ladies or other things appeared for no reason to fill the space. The news, meanwhile, is full of suspense, like an arrow that you shoot and that must hit the bull’s eye ”.

He did not fit the mold at the time, which prevented him from receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature, although he greatly deserved it, according to many people.

One day, a journalist asked him the following question: “To what do you attribute the fact that you were not awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?”. To which the writer replied: “To Swedish wisdom”. Another time he will say: “Not to give me the Nobel Prize has become a Scandinavian tradition: since I was born, they have never awarded it to me”.

We would like to share with you some of his phrases so that you can experience the greatness of this man through 21 wonderful quotes that reflect his fantastic skill at playing with words and sensations:

1- I am not talking about revenge or forgiveness, forgetting is the only revenge and the only forgiveness.

2- I have committed the worst sins we can do. I was not happy.

3- There are losses which have more dignity than victory.

4-  Of all the instruments of man, the most astonishing is, without a doubt, the book. The others are extensions of his body. The microscope and the telescope are extensions of his sight; the telephone is an extension of his voice; we also have the plow and the sword, extensions of his arm. But the book is something else: the book is an extension of his memory and his imagination.

5-  All destinies, as long and complicated as they are, can be summed up in reality to only one thing: the moment when man knows for always who he is.

6-  A man is great for what he reads, not for what he  writes.

7-  He fell in love when he realized that the other person was unique.

8-  Only what is gone belongs to us.

9-  I suspected a few times that the only thing without mystery was happiness, because it justifies itself.

10-  Maybe when a man is in love, he is not mistaken. Maybe it’s the people who don’t like who are wrong.


11-  I believe that over time we will deserve not to have governments.

12-  I have always felt that I liked something in Buenos Aires. I liked this city so much that I refused to like it to others. A love like that, jealous.

13. There is no more skilful consolation than the thought that we have chosen our misfortunes.

14-  Before, distances were greater, because space was measured by time.

15- I have always imagined paradise as a kind of library.

16-  I am alone and there is no one in the reflection of the mirror.

17-  You are not ambitious: you are happy to be happy.

18- I think that we should invent a game in which no one wins.

20-  The weight of the past is infinite.

21-  Blindness is a form of loneliness.


His passion for the news gave birth to masterpieces in a genre that many abandoned after childhood was over. Here is a list of some of his best news:

1. The Aleph

2. The secret miracle

3. The circular ruins

4. Ulrica

5. Funes the “memorial”

6. The two kings and the two labyrinths

7. The home of Asterion

8. Brodie’s report

9. The south

10. The man at the corner of the pink wall



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