Don’t Let Anything Or Anyone Erase Your Smile

Don't let anything or anyone erase your smile

Don’t let anything or anyone erase your smile. Let it flow, live and enjoy, life is short and you yourself decide how you want to live it. Let go of those chains that bind you to your fears, let that frowning uncertainty slip away, and venture out to live your life the way you want it to.

Take off your shoes to smell the wet grass, note the leaves quivering between the air and your fingers. Do the pear tree if you want to touch the sky with your feet. Do whatever you feel like doing as long as it makes you happy, and you can wear that beautiful smile that looks so good on you. Do things your way because you are who you are and you know that happiness is not sought, we come across it unintentionally through chance and carelessness.

Remember, you only live once and it’s best to make it worth your while. Is there a better investment than this for our most precious resource – time -? Pay attention to the influence that other people’s words or thoughts have on you: this is called jealousy, and it will make you feel unwell.

I am myself when I smile, I am myself when I am sad. Both of these emotions are part of me, and both describe me at times. I will never deny either of the two as that would mean denying a part of me and stopping fueling my self-esteem.

Show your best smile and share it

Share your smile with the whole world because a smile always means a lot. It makes those who receive it feel good, as well as those who give it. It costs nothing to be generous with smiles. Think about the fact that a smile may last only a second, but the memory it leaves can sometimes be eternal.

The smile is that curve that softens the face and brightens the eyes. But this is only possible with real smiles, they don’t count if you hide a pain behind them. Think that you are taking away from how you feel when you hide it and disguise it in a way that you think is correct for those around you.

“Even a happy life cannot be measured without some obscurity. The word “happy” would lose all its meaning if one did not find the sadness in front of him. ”

-Carl Gustav Jung-

You have the right to be sad, just as you have the right to be happy: these two emotions deserve the same freedom of expression. Do not be ashamed of not feeling the same things as those around you, you are unique and what you feel has the same value as what others feel. You don’t hurt by expressing yourself, you don’t hurt by smiling, you only show your best face to the world, your authenticity.

“Emotions are lived, felt, recognized, but only a part of them can be expressed in the form of words or concepts.”

-Laura Esquivel-

Live life with a smile

You have to live life at maximum volume, laughing endlessly, screaming and biting into it. You have to savor it with all your senses. We have to take advantage of every present second without letting the past torment us, because the past is past and we can no longer do anything to change it.

Remember that it is the present itself that is in your hands, the one that escapes every second you think of bad things. Bad days happen at random, but you have to go out and look for the good ones, and it will be easier to find them if you show a big smile.

Many studies have shown that if you take things with a good mood and with a smile, your emotional well-being will increase. Smiling, and to a greater extent laughing, stimulates the release of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in your brain, making you feel better. In addition, smiling decreases the level of cortisol caused by stress in your body. So what are you waiting for to smile right now?


Images of Annie Solin and Mariana Kalacheva

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