5 Keys To Combat Academic Stress

5 keys to fighting academic stress

At certain times of the year, the students have to make much more pronounced efforts. The final exams are approaching and after intense days of work, nothing should be forgotten. The goal is to validate all the subjects they have taken. If they get a good grade, even better. For this, it is important that parents and children know a series of keys to help them combat academic stress.

Nowadays, stress is an increasing problem that can become chronic if not treated in time. To avoid this, the first step is to understand the reasons that generate this cascade of chemical reactions in the body and to start to find solutions.

Plan your time

One of the causes that generates the most academic stress is a lack of planning; all added to a later feeling of wasting time. Organizing each day of the week with themes to emphasize, review, or study doesn’t just help internalize ideas. Indeed, it also helps to reduce worry, nervousness and of course it prevents stress peaks.

You can start by making a weekly schedule. Be realistic and assess the time you have available to set your study priorities. Remember to consider other aspects that may be beneficial to you such as how long you have fun and how much time you give to your rest. During exam periods, the hours of rest are very important, moreover the time given to rest is as important as the time given to studies. Sleeping helps the brain to consolidate the information learned during the day.

have a schedule to avoid academic stress

Avoid distractions

Spending long hours concentrating and learning concepts is not easy. For this, we need to promote this atmosphere by avoiding distractions. Thus, it is better to keep away anything that might arouse our attention.

To get started, choose a suitable place to study. A place where you can sit comfortably and where everything you need is at your disposal: sheets, computer, books… You must create a pleasant climate in which the distracting elements cannot enter. Avoid noisy places, put your phone on silent, and avoid letting the notification light distract you from your notes. Remember that you have set a schedule with times of fun and that you will be much more relaxed if you have done the job you took for yourself.

Take breaks

It is important that the schedule you have made is made up of split work moments. You need to be able to clear your mind, rest your eyes, and stretch the muscles that you keep tense while sitting.

These rest periods can be done after the work blocks you have established. For example, you can take a break after finishing a topic or a chapter that has caused you to concentrate intensely. During these breaks , it is best to perform an activity that has nothing to do with sitting and has a beginning and an end. In fact, it is an activity with a short and not very intense physical component, such as hanging out the laundry or putting away a shelf.

Play sports

The mental effort made during studies can tire us. In fact, it is not uncommon for us to fall ill after a period of examination. Thus, we may need whole days to fully recover from the accumulated fatigue. Faced with this, moderate physical exercise can be a very interesting form of rest in order to create a work routine that promotes studies: the release of endorphins that help stimulate memory and make you feel better.

For this, if you normally do sport, do not stop doing it during periods of work or exams. Try going for a walk or run in a park or in the countryside as being in contact with nature will help you relax and disconnect more easily.

“Taking a walk or running in the countryside helps combat academic stress. “

playing sports to study better and avoid academic stress

Relaxation techniques

A good way to combat academic stress is to follow relaxation techniques. At present, the techniques of mindfulness are very extensive. They allow us to be more aware of the activities we do and to know ourselves more from a personal point of view. In addition to these techniques, other techniques exist and they are very beneficial for our brain. They promote our well-being, improve our self-esteem, reduce blood pressure and muscle tension. Some of these techniques are for example:

  • Listening to music  : this will improve your moral state, stimulate your brain and help you “disconnect”.
  • Deep or diaphragmatic breathing  : lie down looking up, place your hand on the abdomen and focus your breathing on that part of your body
  • Accompanied thoughts  : take a diaphragmatic breath, close your eyes and direct your thought to an imagined scene that gives you a feeling of peace, calm and tranquility

Dealing with academic stress requires some habit changes. It may seem very or too structured at first, but with practice you will find that you will perform many of these actions automatically and effortlessly. This article will not only help you during the exam period, it is applicable to all areas when you may be suffering from peak stress.


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