3 Ways To Stretch “soul Muscle ” To Combat Discomfort

The psoas, also called the “muscle of the soul”, is the deepest
muscle in the muscular system and, moreover, the one that helps stabilize the
human body. It helps us maintain balance,
joint mobility , range of motion and proper functioning of
organs located in the abdominal area.

This muscle, which connects the spine and the legs, helps us
stay upright and allows us to lift our legs so that we can walk. A
healthy psoas promotes correct body posture and provides
consolidation to the internal structure of the body.

Eastern cultures have given it the title of “muscle of the soul”
because of its relationship with the central nervous system ; by being connected
to the diaphragm, it is intimately linked to respiration.

We know that the respiratory rate has a two-way relationship
with our emotional state. It is therefore, in a way, the messenger
of our psychological state. The psoas is, therefore, the muscle
responsible for helping us oxygenate our mind.

The tension of the psoas, the affect of our emotional health

Stress, along with the accompanying lifestyle, can strain the psoas,
causing it to shrink or harden. This fact causes
pain in the back and lumbar area, digestive problems,
painful menstruation, etc.

If the state of stress becomes chronic, the psoas ends up shortening
and hardening, affecting our physical and emotional state and generating
a great feeling of discomfort which ends up exhausting our body.

The stronger and more flexible the “soul muscle”, the more
vitality we will feel because energy can flow freely through bones,
muscles, joints, organs, etc.

Exercises to relax the “muscle of the soul”

To work on the flexibility and strengthening of this muscle, we
can do some exercises or stretches. For this we have to
take into account that, as can be seen in the pictures,
the muscle starts at the level of the T12 vertebra, continues through the
five lumbar vertebrae and connects to the upper part of the bone. of
the thigh (femur).

Disciplines like yoga are designed to cause this muscle because it helps
to release the unnecessary tension and melt through movements
actually liberators body that help us reconnect to our

Now let’s take a look at some of the exercises that allow us
to stretch, strengthen and flexibilize the “muscle of the soul”. Despite
everything, before beginning to set, we must know that we
have to keep us in each position for a few seconds
and repeat the exercise with each leg. In addition, we must
know that it is recommended to practice them on a daily basis, the
best time being the beginning of the day.

1. Estocade

Stand with your legs apart, the same distance as your
Keep your back straight, this will help you contract the
abdominal muscles .
Take a step forward with the right foot.
Lower the left knee to the floor and slide it back,
until the entire left leg is stretched.
Press your hands on the right knee and stay in this position
for a few seconds.
Sit up slowly, return to your initial position and do
the same exercise with the other leg.

Variant: the shock with an element. It is a question of performing the same
exercise but by placing a stool, a crate or a chair at the level
of the knee in order to support it and to incline the whole weight of the body
forward so that the left leg is stretched. Repeat the same movement
with the other leg.

2. Spinal stretch

Lie on your back on a mat or small mattress.
Position your arms so that they are perpendicular to the body, in a
cross shape . Your palms should touch the ground.
Bring your right knee over the left knee and
rotate your hip. The leg should be at a right angle and rest on the
The left leg should not be bent.
Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise
with the other leg.

3. Knee stretch on the chest

Lie on your back on a mat or small mattress.
Take your knee between your two hands and bring it towards your chest.
Try to bring him as close as possible but without hurting yourself.
The right foot should stay on the ground.
Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise
with the other leg.


Establishing this habit of performing these
simple exercises daily will promote our physical and psychological balance.
Spending a little time each day to fill ourselves with psychological oxygen is not something we can “put off”  because our well-being is something that we should never
relegate to the background. Our life depends on it.

Main image by Claudia Tremblay


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