Distance Is Not Always An Oversight

Distance is not always an oversight

I’m leaving because I have to go to work somewhere else, I’m leaving but I keep you in my heart.

You know it, you know that your memory is in me, that you are part of my being, that I love you and that I will never forget you.

You know that I loved you, that I listened to you when you needed it, that you can shorten the distance between us with your words, that the distance is only a void, it is nothing , it is a learning that we need to live.

I will never forget those afternoons spent laughing at our silliness at your place, I will never forget our trips to the other side of the world, I will never forget that I loved you like I never have loved no one, and I will never forget your smile.

The separations that we live

Life has many surprises in store for us, which sometimes take the form of separations which seem interminable to us when we live them, but which are both a proof and a principle.

If your partner has to go to work abroad, maybe now is the time to strengthen your relationship, to feel closer, to talk for hours, to surprise you, to kiss between the lines.

A friend may be far away but distance never means the end of a relationship, friends are always in our minds and we are in theirs.

At the appropriate time, a memory of them will draw a smile on our face.


Distance can end a relationship or a friendship if we don’t fight, if we don’t give everything. In these circumstances, distance can generate an abyss of oblivion.

But there are now many ways to reduce the distance, thanks to the internet, the phone, air travel.

By combining all these vectors of communication, we can continue our relationships despite the distance, without having to forget those we love.

How to make a long distance relationship work

Maintaining a long distance relationship is a very complicated goal. It is not something obvious, but it is quite possible, if the two people put all the willpower necessary to maintain the bond.

If the relationship is real and sincere, it will be strengthened by this distance.

If it isn’t, it will self-destruct. In the rest of this article, we’ll give you 5 keys to keeping your relationship alive.

Be sincere

In any relationship, communication, honesty and sincerity are important. 

But these three elements are all the more fundamental if hundreds of kilometers separate us from the person we love.

It is then necessary to make extra efforts for the relationship to continue and to make us happy.

Before the other person goes their own way, it is necessary to conduct a self-examination to see what we really want in the relationship.

This examination must be very sincere, we cannot lie to ourselves.

It is then important to communicate to the other person what we are feeling, how we would like to experience this relationship from a distance.

The need to be honest and sincere must continue throughout the period of separation. You need to be able to tell your partner how you are feeling, especially if you are not doing well.

It is essential that you do not hide behind a facade of wellness if you are sad, because no one can guess what is happening to you.

Trust each other

Trust in the other person is fundamental to continuing a relationship despite the distance.

You may go through times of desperation, but it is still necessary to stay calm, breathe deeply, and relax.

If the person doesn’t pick up their phone it doesn’t mean anything, they may very well be busy or unable to answer you.

A thousand things can happen while you are not together, there is no point in letting your imagination come up with the craziest scenarios.

Only spend time on things that are vital for your relationship or for your friendship.


Seek the support of those who love you

Life is not over because someone around you has to go away for a while. Your existence continues and you must make the most of it.

Go out with your friends for fun, tell them what’s on your mind and forget about the distance a bit.

Share your feelings with your family, so that they reassure you and make you feel that they are present by your side.

Maintain a communication link

Communication with the other person is essential. You can set a day in the week to talk, you can write an e-mail, send messages by WhatsApp, send photos or songs.

Create a new relationship that will grow stronger and find a way to survive the distance.

Plan your visits

The idea of ​​knowing that you are going to find the person you love is going to help you stay the course and have an infallible trust in your relationship.

Plan your visits, plan what you are going to do, where you are going to go: get excited by these changes!

And when you see the person you love again, make the most of the time you are going to spend together, show them all your affection and love.

Do everything so that the distance is not an oversight.


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