Schadenfreude: To Rejoice In The Misfortune Of Others

Schadenfreude: to rejoice in the misfortune of others

Napoleon I said that “jealousy is a declaration of inferiority”. However, we might be happy that someone who has hurt us or just that we don’t like is facing hardship. Is it inferiority or jealousy? According to science, it is  schadenfreude  .

Moreover, he  e st to some extent “normal and natural” feel joy face some mishaps of others. Indeed, this is exactly what this German word means, which defines this curious sensation that we will be dealing with in the context of this article. Let’s dig deeper into the subject now.

What is schadenfreude?

As we said before, this German term is a word made up of two which, united, mean  joy for the damage  (damage = schaden and joy = freude). But, is this a normal, positive feeling?

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