9 Tips For Learning To Speak In Public

9 tips for learning to speak in public

Over the course of life, everyone is faced with a situation in which they have to speak in public. It can be on an academic level, when we are doing our studies; or on a professional level, when we work.

These moments usually cause an increase in nervousness in us which reaches a threshold capable of blocking us. What can we do then? There are a series of tips we can follow to control the presentation and speeches we give in a congregation. Keep reading this article and find out!

“If you can speak brilliantly enough on a theme, you will seem to dominate it.” “

-Stanley Kubrick-

Prepare to speak in public

If anxiety overwhelms us when it comes to speaking in public, it will turn into a little devil playing against us (and with our own means, because he knows us very well). However, if the level of anxiety keeps a moderate level, this emotion will better prepare this speech that we have to give. In fact, the first thing to consider is to prepare to give the presentation.

For this, it is necessary to establish the time available to us to prepare and work on the presentation. In this way, we will be able to divide the time equally for the two stages. In this way, we will be able to deliver a well-crafted and well-prepared presentation.

“Any well-prepared speech is already delivered on the 9/10 th   “

-Dale Carnegie-

Therefore, the second tip is that the presentation be clear and easy for our audience to understand. We must have in mind the objective that we wish to achieve vis-à-vis our audience; but also who it will be made up of. In this way, we will be able to know how to structure our speech and choose the appropriate tools. So the audience will determine our point of view and also the level we can reach given the one we have.

Third, to be victorious in our presentation, it is important to avoid reading throughout the presentation. How? ‘Or’ What ? By using and developing an adequate support. This can just as well be a paper diagram, as an audio-visual presentation that would guide our speech.

When it comes to public speaking, it is important to practice

What we can do to improve our presentation is not limited to the tips mentioned above. Once we have adequately prepared the presentation we are going to give and the materials we are going to use, we need to practice. This point is the fourth tip, repeat our speech at home  ; and that out loud. This way, we will know exactly what we need to improve before we find ourselves in front of our audience.

But we don’t just have to train at home. The fifth piece of advice would be to go, before the actual presentation, to the place where it will take place and to rehearse there. Doing this will help us manage our anxiety and familiarize ourselves with the venue in which the presentation will take place. In addition, it would allow us to make sure that the presentation works well and does not change when transferring from one computer to another.

After that, there is one thing left to do before delivering the speech in front of the group of people: relax. Practicing a relaxation technique, such as abdominal breathing, will ensure that the prepared speech does not get blocked by pressure. In this way, we will avoid recovery problems with our memory.

The time has come, what to do when it comes to public speaking?

Once we have started the presentation, it is important to implement some strategies. The seventh aspect to consider is eye contact. It is very important to distribute the gaze between the participants, without fixing a single person or a fixed point in the room, except during breaks. Neither should we draw hasty conclusions concerning the judgment that the participants could have of our presentation because of their facial expressions, that could distress us even more.

“Sometimes we talk a lot and say a little. To express more, it is necessary to think more. “

-Honoré de Blazac-

It is better to focus on what we are saying. And how ? The eighth tip that will make our presentation successful will be managing our non-verbal communication. To maintain the attention of our audience, it is important that our volume, speed and tone are kept at medium levels, varying in subtle ways.

Finally, the ninth tip that will help us maintain attention and dominate the art of public speaking is to use humor to bring about a smile in the audience; not giggles, we don’t want to do a monologue. In addition, we must remember that we all make mistakes and that if you are faced with a slip of the tongue and face a blackout, do not pay attention to it and continue your speech. .. C ‘left !

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