7 Keys To Stop Messing Around

7 keys to stop worrying

Some people have a habit of overthinking everything. This is commonly called taking the lead. It is a constant rumination of thoughts, which prevents us from acting and fills us with anguish. In other words, we think too much, we do too little, we feel bad about it and we can’t avoid it.

This happens when we are full of insecurity or when we allow ourselves to be assailed by fear. To take the lead means that we have doubts and that in itself is not bad. What is very negative is making doubt and inaction a way of life.

No one can come to effective conclusions by having a headache. At best, we manage to fill ourselves with anxiety and fear the action more and more. In this way, we cannot achieve what we are all looking for: a precise, perfect and risk-free result. That’s why it’s not worth it. Here are some tips to avoid it.

 1. Set deadlines for decision making

If we give ourselves all the time in the world to make a decision, and we’re one of those foolish people, we’re probably never going to do anything. We certainly have a hard time giving up some things to gain others. And that’s unfortunately what every decision involves.

stop fussing over decision

The best way to avoid this is to set a deadline to resolve what we have in hand. It is advisable not to take too long, even if the decision is complex. At most a day, although most decisions shouldn’t take longer than an hour.

2. Don’t put off things that need to be done today.

When you put off what you have to do, you just have to start playing with the situation. If it is already clear that you need to do something, there is no reason to wait any longer. Do it, even if there are obstacles or if you have to overcome resistance.

The problem is, things on hold only increase our level of headaches. You need to design a plan of attack before executing it as quickly as possible. This attitude is wasting precious time that you could devote to something much more productive.

3. Give things a time perspective

Sometimes we think too much about things that don’t deserve it. Small situations or decisions that are not of major importance. Since we are used to overthinking everything, we end up making the little things more important than they really are.

stop taking the lead man

A good technique is to analyze the importance of what is going on so much in your head in a week, a month or a year. What will be its consequences on your life? If it’s not something that affects the medium to long term, then it’s not worth thinking about.

4. Stop on time

There are circumstances which do not favor lucid thinking. For example, when we are tired we become slower at reasoning and we tend to be more irritable. Therefore, we easily fall into negative thought sequences.

The same happens when you haven’t eaten, are elated, sad, or in a low-spirited mood. In these cases, the right thing to do is not to let yourself think. Just say to yourself “not now”. Wait for a better time to do so.

5. Don’t feed your vaguest fears

It is not difficult to feel the fear. Different fears lie in wait for us, because we live in a half paranoid society and because uncertainty is a constant in life, even if we take all kinds of measures to avoid it.

stop worrying about negative thoughts

When we experience this kind of latent fear, it is very important to be clear about what it is. What exactly are we afraid of? Most likely, this reasoning will lead us to see that there really is no reason to feel this way.

6. Agree not to control everything

We have to admit that there is nothing in life that does not involve risk. When someone is constantly hesitating and starts to take the lead for everything, it is surely because he wants, deep down, to have control over the uncontrollable.

One way or another, each of our actions is a little leap in the dark. If we seek to eliminate the risk, we will only succeed in entering a neurotic cycle of inaction. Even inaction contemplates the risks. So it’s best to just let go and let it happen no matter how it needs to happen.

7. Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well

Much of our psychic life functions well thanks to sleep. Sleeping well provides us with a fundamental basis for maintaining good physical and mental health. Lack of sleep has serious consequences. Among them, confuse our thinking and wander a lot.

stop worrying about sleeping

That is why the watchword should always be to sleep well. Sleep is one of those activities (because it is an activity) that you have to take care of jealously. Don’t let anything or anyone interfere with your sleep, especially not a fuss.

All of these keys are little remedies that, if you convert them into habits, can be of invaluable help. To take the lead does not lead to anything. It is one of those habits that we develop and which only hinders our development. Get rid of it to lead a healthier life.

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